

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:47次 大小:16422393Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    21世纪教育网 –中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 新目标初中英语九年级同步听力达标训练 模拟测试(二) 一、听句子,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择适当的答语。(句子读两遍) ( )1.A. Thank you. B. With pleasure. C. Very well. ( )2.A. Sorry, I don't know. B. Good idea. C. Sure. No problem. ( )3.A. You are welcome. B. You are right. C. Don't say so. ( )4.A. Yes, please. B. Not at all. C. No, you don't. ( )5.A. Not at all. B. I will. Thank you. C. The same to you. 二、听对话,从各题所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选择与对话内容相符的图片。(对话读两遍) 三、听短对话,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(短对话读两遍) ( ) 11. Who are the two speakers A. Teacher and student. B. Husband and wife. C. Shopkeeper and customer. ( ) 12. Where will the boy study in the future A. In the UK. B. In China. C. In America. ( ) 13. What time is it now A. 8:00. B. 8:30. C. 9:30. ( ) 14. When will the woman get the book A. In two days. B. Tomorrow. C. In a week. ( ) 15. What did Betty do just now A. She studied in the library. B.She went to the party. C.She had a class. 四、听长对话,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(长对话读两遍) ◆听第一段对话,回答第16~17小题。 ( ) 16. Who is the woman A.Mr. Smith's student. B. Mr. Smith's daughter. C. Mr. Smith's wife. ( ) 17. What does Jack Brown ask Mr. Smith to do for his students A. To tell them how to draw. B. To teach them Chinese. C.Tb give them a speech. ◆听第二段对话,回答第18~19小题。 ( ) 18. How soon will Maria and Michael graduate from school A. In three days. B. In a week. C. In a month. ( ) 19. What is Michael planning to prepare for each classmate A.A special gift. B. One or two books. C. A photo of his. ◆听第三段对话,回答第20~22小题。 ( ) 20. What will Wang Lin do this weekend A. See a film. B. Collect the rubbish. C. Attend a party. ( ) 21. Which subject doesn't Liu Fei take on weekends A. Chinese. B. Math. C. English. ( ) 22. What does Liu Fei think of taking after-school classes A. Exciting. B. Boring. C. Useful. ◆听第四段对话,回答第23~25小题。 ( ) 23. How many times did Jim call Mary yesterday morning A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. ( ) 24. Where did Mary draw pictures A. Near her home. B. In the community. C. In the park. ( ) 25. Why is Mary fond of drawing landscapes A. Because she loves plants very much. B. Because she doesn't like animals. C. Because she enjoys painting. 五、听短文,从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(短文读两遍) ( ) 26. What's the date today A. New Year's Day. B. November 30th. C. December 31st. ( ) 27. With whom are Ruth and Larry celebrating the holiday A. Their mother. B. Their children. C. Their brother and sister. ( ) 28. What is Kitty going to do next year A. She's going to begin college. B. She's going to visit her brother. C. She's going to leave San Francisco. ( ) 29. What is Paul going to use the money for A.A new car. B. An old car. C. A good friend. ( ) 30. Where are Ruth and Larry going for a holiday A. To Rome. B. To Japan. C. To Sweden. 更多资料, ... ...

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