
Unit 5 Where are you from?Lesson 16 课件 (共17张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:18次 大小:4970174Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。Unit 5 Where are you from?Lesson 16 I am Cathy. I'm from Beijing in China. Where are you from?Where are you from? I'm from _____in China.I'm Yaoming. I am from Shanghai in China. Chinese is my mother tongue. The capital of China is Beijing. It is in the east of China.I am ____. I'm from _____ in China. Chinese is my mother tongue. The capital of China is Beijing. It is in the east of China. eastWhere is Sara from?AmericaNew YorkWashington D.C.HelloAmericathe United Statesthe US the USAChinaAmericacapitalis the capital of China.city上海南京西安See you later!BritainCanadaSara is from New York in_____ . _____is her mother _____. The American ___ is Washington D.C. It is in the ____of the United States.AmericaEnglisheasttonguecapitalInterviewhomework1) Copy the words 2) Recite the text. 3) Finish the interview

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