
Unit 1 The king's new clothes 练习(含答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:91次 大小:47150Byte 来源:二一课件通
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译林英语 六年级U1练习1 按要求写单词或词组。 1.can(过去式) 2. they(宾格) 3.man(复数) 4. clever(反义词) 5. new(反义词) 6. live(过去式) 7. are(过去式) 8. the king(名词所有格) 9. show(过去式) 10. laugh(过去式) 单项选择。 ( ) 1. The two men wanted new clothes for the king. A. make B.made C. to make ( )2. He pointed at the dog and “Give me the ball.” A .Shout B.shouted C.laugh ( )3. There some sheep on the farm last year. A.isn’t B. is C. were ( )4.There a pair of shoes under the bed yesterday. A.are B. were C. was ( )5. Where Tom and John two days ago? A.are B. was C. were ( )6. Edison(爱迪生)was a man. A.foolish B. clever C. pretty ( ) 7. The students are a monkey in the zoo. A.point B. pointed at C. pointing at ( )8. The king isn’t clothes. A.wear any B. wearing any C. wearing some ( )9. The two men the new clothes the king. shows; to B. showed; to C. showed; of ( )10. There two parks last year, but there one now. A.are; isn’t B. was; is C. were; is 英汉互译 很久以前_____2.指着_____ 3.试穿_____4.聪明的人_____ 5.走过这座城市_____6.in the street_____ 7.a little boy_____8. make new clothes_____ 9. laugh at him_____10. visit the king_____ 从方框中选择单词或词组,并用其正确形式完成句子。 Helen and her sister are their new clothes. 2. They don’t like . And they don’t like music either. - 3.Nancy her cat and shouted. 4. There a lot of flowers in the park last year. 5. Ben wants a birthday card for his teacher. 按要求改写句子。 Jack visits Beijing.(用yesterday改为-般过去时) Jack Beijing yesterday. The little boy is wearing some clothes.(改为否定句) The little boy clothes. There were two men beside the house.(改为单数句) There beside the house. 4. He showed me his new clothes.(改为同义句) He showed his new clothes . 根据汉语提示完成句子。 很久以前,有一个聪明的人。 Long long ago,there a man. 他们看着国王并且大笑。 They looked at the king and . 昨天她很开心。 She very yesterday. 她正在向我展示她的新书。 She is me new books. 多么漂亮的衣服啊! clothes! 阅读对话,判断句子正(T)误(F)。 A: I was busy last Sunday. What about you, Mary? B: I was on the farm with my uncle. A:What did you do? B: I did exercise in the morning. At a quarter to eight I gave some food to the chicks. A: Were you free in the afternoon? B: No, I wasn’t. I cleaned the farm. A:Did you watch TV? B: No. I must finish my homework. A: I’m sure you were tired. B: You’re right. But I think it was interesting. ( )1. Mary was on the farm with her grandfather last Saturday. ( )2. Mary did exercise in the morning. ( )3. There were some chicks on the farm. ( )4. Mary didn’t watch TV. ( )5. Mary wasn’t tired last Sunday. 答案 一、 could them men foolish old lived were the king’s showed laughed 二、1--5 CBCCC 6--10 BCBBC 三、1. long long ago 2. point at 3. try on 4. clever people 5. walk through this city 6. 在街上 7. 一个小男孩 8.做新衣服 9. 嘲笑他 10.拜访国王 四、1. trying on 2. singing 3. looked at 4. were 5. to make 五、 1. visited 2. isn’t wearing any ... ...

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