
Unit5 Dinner’s ready PartA 课件 18张

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:15次 大小:2170309Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件18张PPT。Unit 5 Dinner’s readyA Let’s spellWho is he? _____ is Mike. He is my _____.He has a pencil. He has a _____.Hered pencilfriendWho is she? _____ is Sarah.She has _____. She has a _____.Shered penShe is my friend.a pen我们来发现: he、she在意义上的区别和词形上有什么相同点?He 他She 她 Look! This is me.Now, let’s play together. We are friends.Me/i:/ 我We/i:/ 我们redpenpencilyellow-e-/e/eeee Find the same. 找一找共同点hewemeshe-e/i:/eeee聪明的你有什么发现吗? 我发现:字母e都在单词末尾,读/i:/ 我发现:字母e都在单词中间,读/e/Let’s chantHe and she, She and he, Let’s play together, He, she and me. He and she, She and he, We all play together. 1,2,3.读一读,分一分 -e-e-读一读,在你听到的单词下面打对号。quick responceboxcakeusemaplaterosenotefivenicecutebigduck cake late 2. rose note 3. nice five 4. cute use 5. he she [ei][ai][?u][ju:] 我发现当“e”和好朋友“a”、“o”、“i”、“u”在一起且躲在结尾时不发音,没有好朋友且躲在结尾时发字母本身的音[i:]。[i:]选出每组中字母e的发音与其他两个不同的单词。( )1.A.egg B. leg C. me ( )2.A.red B. he C. desk ( )3.A.nose B. she C. cake ( )4.A. she B. pen C. me CBBB 1.读一读50页的单词. 2.与同学合作,找找更多我们今天课堂所学发音规则的单词。HomeworkGoodbye!

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