
Unit 1 What's he like? 单元课件 100张

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:70次 大小:5885642Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件100张PPT。Unit 1What’s he like?Mr/Miss…Who’s your math teacher?Chinese teacher English teacher math teacher science teacher art teacher music teacher P.E. teacherLet’s saytall 高的short 矮的He is tall.He is short.strong 强壮的He is a strong man. 他是一个强壮的男人。thin 瘦的My Chinese teacher is a thin woman.我的语文老师是一个瘦瘦的女人。Let's learn new wordsold 年老的He is my grandfather . He is an old man.他是我爷爷。他是一位老人家。young 年轻的My uncle is a young man.我的叔叔是一位年轻人。 Strict 要求严格的;严厉的 My English teacher is strict.funny 滑稽可笑的kind 和蔼的;亲切的This old woman is kind.这位老奶奶很和蔼。Please describe them.What’s he like?He is _____ .tallWhat’s he like?He is _____ .shortWhat’s he like?He is _____ .strongWhat’s he like?He is _____ .thinWhat’s she like?She is _____ .kindWhat’s he like?He is _____ .funnyWhat’s he like?He is _____ .youngWhat’s he like? He is strict. Who’s your math teacher?Miss ...../Mr..... What’s he/ she like? He/ She is.... Who’s your Chinese teacher?Miss ...../Mr..... What’s he/ she like? He/ She is.... Who’s your English teacher?Miss ...../Mr..... What’s he/ she like? He/ She is.... Who’s your best friend?What’s he like? Who’s your best friend?What’s she like?Describe your Chinese teacher, math teacher and English teacher.Our music teacher is very old. He’s kind and funny. He’s not thin not strong. Who is he ?Our science teacher is strong. He has big eyes. He’s funny. Who is he ?看图回答问题:1、Is she young? 2、Is he strong? 3、Is he strict? 4、Is she quiet ? No, she isn’t. She’s old.No, he isn’t. He’s funny.Yes, she is .Yes, he is .Let's learn new wordsclever 聪明的;聪颖的helpful 有用的;愿意帮忙的shy 害羞的;腼腆的;怕生的polite 礼貌的;客气的hard-working 工作努力的;辛勤的strict 严格的hard-working 工作努力的;辛勤的helpful 有用的; 愿意帮忙的 clever 聪明的;聪颖的Let's talkShe is our principal.1. Write the opposite words.oldoldshortkindshortgoquietnoLet's practise!2. Write the questions._____? He is my new neighbour.(2) _____ ? Yes, he is very smart.Who’s heIs he smart(3) _____ ? No, he’s very tall.(4) _____ ? Yes, he’s very funny.Is he shortIs he funny(5) _____ ? No, she’s old. She is very kind.Is she youngPart C Pronunciation∕i∕Happy baby windy sorry sunny Candy many family party heavy study busy carry cloudy foggy rainy friendly lovely carefuly twenty thirty fortyLanguage Points不定冠词a与an的用法 a与an是一对好朋友,表示“一(个,件,只……)”。这两个好朋友的分工很明确。 1)a用于以辅音音素开头的单词或字母前。 2) an用在以元音音素开头的单词或字母前。如: an active boy →∕‘?ktiv∕→元音音素 a university student →∕ju:ni’ v?:s?ti∕→辅音音素 一位年长的男士 an old manLanguage PointsIs she strict? 她很严格吗? 肯定回答:Yes, she is. 是的,她严格。 否定回答:No, she isn’t. 不,她不严格。 Are they active?他们活泼吗? 肯定回答:Yes, they are. 是的,他们活泼。 否定回答:No, they aren’t. 不, 他们不活泼。 3. Are you quiet? 你文静吗? 肯定回答:Yes, I am. ... ...

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