
Lesson 5 Having Fun Together 课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:68次 大小:774304Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件21张PPT。冀教版(三年级起点)五年级上册lesson 6: Having Fun Togetherparkzoogymstorerestaurantmovie theatre第一关:单词大练兵 看谁是英雄!movie theatre zoo restaurant gym store parkI can read and say!fly kites考验升级watch animalsplay badmintonbuy clotheshave supperwatch a movieplay badminton watch animals fly kites watch a movie buy clothes have supperpark gym restaurant store zoo movie theatreWe go to the park to fly kites.We go to the zoo to watch the animals.We go to the gym to play badminton.We go to the store to buy clothes.We go to the movie theatre to watch a movie.We go to the restaurant to have supper.My family likes to have fun together. What does your family like to do? Do you go to the zoo to watch the animals? …… 第二关:句型排成队,看你会不会What does your family like to do? We go to the park to fly kites. We go to the zoo to watch the animals. We go to the gym to play badminton. We go to the store to buy clothes. We go to the movie theatre to watch a movie. We go to the restaurant to have supper. Do you go to the zoo to watch the animals?第三关:练习对对碰,看你行不行I go to the zoo to _____ fly kites B. see animals. C. watch animals 2. Jenny goes to ____to play ping-pong. A. park B. gym C. restaurant 3.What ____your family like to do ? do B. does C. is CBB第四关:重点来回顾,收获脱口出 Words (read and say): movie theatre zoo restaurant gym store park Sentences: What does your family like to do? We go to the park to fly kites. We go to the zoo to watch the animals. We go to the gym to play badminton. We go to the store to buy clothes. We go to the movie theatre to watch a movie. We go to the restaurant to have supper. Do you go to the zoo to watch the animals? What do you like to do? Go to the zoo, watch a kangaroo. What do you like to do? Go to the store, buy a ball. What do you like to do? Go to the gym, play a game. What do you like to do? Go to the restaurant, eat a donut.let's chant!Homework:为了感恩父母,你打算带父母去哪些地方去做什么呢?赶快写下来吧!

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