
Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A 第二课时课件+素材

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:60次 大小:6103104Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件15张PPT。R·六年级上册Unit 2 Ways to go to school Part A(第二课时)Learning goals能够听、说、读、写有关交通方式的单词和词组: by plane, by train, by taxi, by ship, by bus, by subway, on foot 2. 能够正确使用上述单词和词组谈论交通方式。 3. 能将出发地、目的地和交通方式进行匹配。New wordson foot步 行同义词:walkI go to the park on foot.by bus乘坐公共汽车by taxi乘坐出租车by plane乘坐飞机by train乘坐火车by subway乘坐地铁by ship乘坐轮船Let’s learnMrs Smith: Let’s go to the nature park. John: Hooray! Sarah: How do we get there? Mrs Smith: By bus.Paly rolesA: Let’s go to the nature park. B: Hooray! A: How do we get there? B: By subway.A: Let’s go to the nature park. B: Hooray! A: How do we get there? B: On foot.Write and sayFrom How?To China USAyour school your home From How?To China USAHow do you get to the USA from China? By plane.From How?To China USAyour school your home How do you get home from your school? By bus.From How?To China USAyour school your home ShanghaiWuhan How do you get to Wuhan from Shanghai? By train.How do you get home from the cinema? By subway.From How?To China USAyour school your home ShanghaiWuhan cinemahomeExercise 从方框中选择合适的单词填空。 by at to How on do you go to school? I go home foot. I must pay attention the traffic lights! Don’t go the red light! She goes to American plane.Howontoatby

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