

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:44次 大小:31648Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4《Healthy Living》单元测试 一、单选题 I?still?can't?understand?this?English?article??????????????????I?have?read?it?for?three?times.(  ) A. because B. even?though C. so D. if --?Why?are?you?late?for?school? --??????????????????I?overslept.(  ) A. So B. Because C. Because?of D. Since Tom?didn't?go?to?school?yesterday????????he?was?ill.(  ) A. as B. so C. because D. while Ben?was?busy?taking?a?training?class,??????????????????we?had?to?wait?for?him?for?half?an?hour.(  ) A. so B. if C. or D. but There?are?no?buses,____?you'll?have?to?walk.(  ) A. so B. or C. but D. for ??????Aunt?Li?is?heavy,she?still?eats?lots?of?meat?every?meal.(  ) A. Though B. Because C. Whether D. If ??????????????Switzerland?is?very?small,??????it?is?the?land?of?watches?and?it?is?very?rich.(  ) A. Though;?but B. Because;?so C. Because;/ D. Though;/ --?How?many??????????????????are?there?in?your?class? --?40.(  ) A. a?student B. student C. students D. student's --?Would?you?like?some?????????????????.(  ) --?Oh,?yes,?just?a?little. A. milk B. apple C. pears D. oranges You?will?be?all?right?if?you?drink??????????????????water.(  ) A. a?little?of B. plenty?of C. a?bit?of D. a?piece?of 二、完形填空 How can we stay healthy? One important rule is to exercise (11). The Fang family try to exercise every day. Lee Fang (12) exercise in the morning because he must be at his job at exactly(精确地) seven o'clock. But he runs every evening. He would rather(宁愿) run than watch TV. He walks a lot, (13). He walks to school every day, and after school he(14) basketball with his friends. Lee Fang goes to a yoga(瑜伽) class (15). But it isn't (16) this way. Last year Mr. and Mrs. Fang used to(17) everywhere, even to the drugstore(药房) two blocks away. They thought they had to use the car all the time. They wouldn't walk. The Fangs all(18) better now. And they believe you mustn't be lazy. You(19) exercise every day. But you should(20) to get in shape(形状) and stay in shape. ?A. often B. sometimes C. late D. later ?A. may not B. can not C. would not D. should not ?A. either B. also C. too D. again ?A. watches B. plays C. loves D. practices ?A. in two weeks B. after two weeks C. for two weeks D. twice a week ?A. always B. seldom C. usually D. sometimes ?A. ride B. drive C. fly D. walk ?A. had B. make C. feel D. feel like ?A. needn't B. don't C. won't have to D. mustn't ?A. try B. want C. wish D. hope 三、阅读理解 A Cathy is 1.53meters tall, but she is 160pounds. She decides to lose weight (减肥). She goes to the doctor, and the doctor gives her the following advice. Exercise: ● Run for 30minutes every morning. ● Swim twice a week. ● Go to work on foot instead of (而不是) by bus. ● Take a walk after supper every day. Diet: ● Have a glass of milk and an egg for breakfast. ● Eat more fruit and vegetables and less meat for lunch. ● Eat only fruit for supper three times a week ... ...

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