
新目标七上专项达标卷 情景交际(含答案)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:30次 大小:1127791Byte 来源:二一课件通
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专项达标卷 情景交际 )A A:Hi! B:__1__ A:__2__ B:My name is Jenny.__3__ A:I'm Alan. B:__4__ A:Nice to meet you,too. B:Excuse me.__5__ A:It's a key and it's purple. B:Thanks. Goodbye. A:Bye.    A.And what's your name? B.What's your name? C.What's this in English?And what color is it? D.Hello! E.Nice to meet you. 1._____ 2._____ 3._____  4._____  5._____  B A:Hi,Helen!Jim's birthday is coming tomorrow.__1__ B:OK,John.__2__ A:You know Jim doesn't like hamburgers. B:But you and I like hamburgers. A:It's Jim's birthday.Not yours and mine. B:__3__ A:He likes Chinese food very much.Let's give him some dumplings. B:Yes.You are right.__4__ A:I think Jim likes apples and strawberries a lot. B:OK.__5__ A.Let's have some apples and strawberries then. B.Let's think about the food. C.What about the fruit? D.What about some hamburgers? E.I don't like apples. F.What does Jim like? G.Would you like some bananas? 1._____ 2._____ 3._____  4._____  5._____  C Mike:Good morning,Bob. Bob: __1__,Mike. Mike:Oh,Bob,this is my sister Gina.Gina,__2__. Gina:Nice to meet you,Bob. Bob:__3__.Are those your parents? Gina:Yes,they are. Bob:And __4__? Mike:He is my brother,Dale. Bob:Oh,I see.Well,__5__! Mike/Gina:Thanks!You,too.    A.have a good day B.Good morning C.Nice to meet you,too D.who is he E.this is my friend Bob 1._____ 2._____ 3._____  4._____  5._____  D A:Let's play tennis. B:__1__But I don't have a tennis racket(球拍).Do you have a tennis ball? A:No,I don't.But I have a soccer.__2__ B:No.__3__ Let's play ping-pong.I have a ping-pong bat. A:__4__ B:It's in my schoolbag.Do you have a bat? A:No,I don't. But my brother has a bat and a ball. B:Good.Where is he? A:__5__ A.He's in his bedroom. B.Let's play basketball. C.That sounds fun. D.Good.Where is it? E.Do you have a tennis racket? F.That sounds boring. G.Let's play soccer. 1._____ 2._____ 3._____  4._____  5._____  E Bob:Hi,Bill,do you play sports? Bill:Yes,I do. Bob:Do you have a baseball bat? Bill:No,__1__ Bob:Do you have soccer balls? Bill:__2__ Bob:Let's play soccer. Bill:Oh,no.__3__It's boring to play soccer. Bob:Well, do you play tennis? Bill:__4__ Bob:We have a club in our school.__5__ Bill:That sounds good. A.I don't play baseball. B.I only(仅;只)watch it. C.Yes.Tennis is very interesting. D.Yes.I have some soccer balls. E.What about joining(加入) the tennis club? 1._____ 2._____ 3._____  4._____  5._____  F A:Welcome to I COOL,YOU COOL,madam. How can I help you? B:__1__ A:This way,please.These are the latest fashion.__2__ B:It looks cool.But I don't like bright green. A:We have other colors:pink,grey,dark red and yellow. __3__ B:Pink.Could you show me that light pink one? A:__4__And it's very thick(厚的). B:I like it. __5__ A:It was(以前是) 100 dollars and now it's only 80 dollars. B:That's a great price. I'll take it. A.What's your favorite? B. ... ...

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