
Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 同步测试及答案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:11次 大小:30341Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级英语Unit 2《I think that mooncakes are delicious!》同步测试 一、单项选择题: ( )1.After a three-week winter vacation,students usually    some weight when they return to school.? A.put away B.put up C.put in D.put on ( ) 2.If you left your bike unlocked outside,someone would _____ it. A.borrow B.steal C.lend D.lock ( )3. Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me ____? A. Where the bank nearest B. where is the nearest bank C. where the nearest bank is D. the nearest bank is where ( )4.—The dishes in this restaurant must be very expensive. —Don't worry. You can enjoy yourself. It's my _____. A.time B.treat C.book D.task ( )5.The weather in China isn’t     to that in America.? A.familiar B.peaceful C.similar D.natural ( ) 6.I looked for my MP4 everywhere,but I couldn't find it. Maybe someone_____it. A.bought B.stole C.found D.discovered ( )7. She asked Tom _____ with his car? A. what the matter was B. what the matter is C. what was the matter D. what is the matter ( )8.Do you know    there will be a football match on CCTV 5 tonight?? A.how B.if C.where D.when ( ) 9. There are lots of ways _____ the festival. Which one do you like? A.celebrate B.to celebrate C.celebrating D.celebrates ( )10. Do you know what time _____? A. the train leave B. does the train leave C. will the train leave D. the train leaves ( )11.—    do you study for a test?? —I study by working with my classmates. A.Why B.How C.What D.When ( )12.—I think Yang Liwei,Yuri Gagarin and Neil Alden Armstrong are all heroes. —Yes. I _____ them. A.admire B.connect C.invite D.refuse ( )13. Do you know where _____ now? A. he lives B. does he live C. he lived D. did he live ( )14.Chang’e    to give the magic medicine to Pang Meng.? A.refused B.treated C.finished D.discovered ( )15. It’s 7:30. I can’t believe you___ cooking dinner yet, Sally. A. haven’t started B. didn’t C. don’t start D. hadn’t started 二、完形填空 Many things happening between my father and me crowded my mind. But one thing made a deep impression on me. It was a Sunday morning, and I was in a _____(1) mood(情绪).Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn't invited me. I was in my room .My father came in and said “It's a beautiful day.”“No! Leave me alone!” My father said nothing and left. My friends called and _____(2) me to go to the mall with them a few hours later. I forgot to be _____(3) with them and then went with them.When I came home, I found a note (便条) on the table.My mother put it where I would be sure to see it.“Dad has had an _____(4). When I reached the hospital, my mother came out and told me a car hit my father and his injuries were extensive(大面积的).”Your father told the driver to leave . --”My mother may have said more,but I didn't hear.I didn't hear anything _____(5) those terrible words: Leave me alone. How much had I hurt him _____(6) I shouted out those words at him earlier in the day? It was several days later ... ...

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