
Unit 1 Lesson 6 Things for School 同步练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:96次 大小:1140806Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 Lesson 6 Things for School 同步练习 I.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.This is my _____ (shop) list. 2.We can _____ (play) sports after school. 3.What about _____(go) to the library? 4.These are _____ (thing) for school. 5.All my _____ (pencil) are here. II.单项选择。 ( )1. Here is the shopping list .Go and buy the things _____ it. A.on B.in C.at D.of ( ) 2. —You like your old school. _____ your new school? —It's great, too. A.What about B.What is C.Is this D.Where is ( ) 3.I have two books, and Jenny has five books. We have _____ books in total (一共). six B.seven C.eight D.nine ( )4.I have two pens. _____ very nice. They’re B.It’s C.They D.It ( )5.I don’t have any crayons. I need _____ buy some at the store. A.to buy B.to borrow C.borrow D.buy III.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 1.我在这个学校有了一些新朋友。 I have in this school. 2.你学校的图书馆怎么样呢? the library in your school? 3.这是10间教室。 Here are . 4.我需要给我的弟弟买一把尺子。 I need to a ruler my brother. 5.我有两个铅笔盒。 I have . IV.阅读理解。 I want to write a shopping list. I have two pens but I don't have any crayons.I need three crayons.I want to buy two crayons for Jenny and four for my homeroom teacher. So(因此) I need to buy nine at the store.What about the pencil box?I want two pencil boxes.One for me and one for Tony. Jenny and Tony are my classmates. We are in Class 2. My homeroom teacher is in his office. Tony is in the classroom. Jenny is on the playground.They are all busy(忙的). ( )1.I need _____ crayons. A.three B.two C.four D.nine ( )2.I want to get _____ for my homeroom teacher. A.three crayons B.four crayons C.two pencil boxes D.a pencil box ( ) 3.I need to buy _____ pencil box(es). A.one B.two C.four D.Nine ( ) 4.Jenny and Tony are _____. A.teachers B.friends C.in Class 3 D.classmates ( ) 5.Tony is _____. A.on the playground B.in the office C.in the classroom D.at the store Unit 1 Lesson Things for School 同步练习答案 I.1.shopping 2.play 3.going 4.things 5.pencils II.1-5 AABAA

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