

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:50次 大小:1075637Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件31张PPT。 Dealing with new words or phrases in reading comprehension Comprehension of WordsIf you come across new words when readingWhat will you do ?猜测词义题: 词义猜测能力是英语高考阅读理解能力的主要组成部分,是历年高考中的必考题型,主要考查对文中关键词语(实词、短语、指代关系等)的理解。而且,所考查的词或短语的意义往往不停留在字面上,要根据语境来判断。 考纲解读 词义猜测题常用的提问方式有: 1. The word “…” refers to / probably means / could best be replaced by _____. 2.The word “…” is most likely to mean _____. 3. What do you think the expression “…” stands for? 4. The underlined word “…” means _____. ......设问方式应答技巧? It will be very hard but very brittle — that is , it will break easily.1. Definition 定义法: 一般通过定义、定语(从句)或同位语(从句)来确定词义。 (adj. 易碎的, 脆的) The herdsman , who looks after sheep, earns about 650 yuan a year. (n. 牧羊人)2. Contrast 对比法: 利用文中的反义词以及表对比关系的词(组)猜测词义。 表示对比的词有but、while、however、 otherwise等。Most of us agreed, however, Bill dissented.She is usually prompt for all her classes, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class.A. on time B. late C. slowly D. quickly A (v. 不同意)3. Similarity 相似法:利用同义词、近义词或词组猜测词义。Cleaning up waterways is an enormous task .The job is so large, in fact, that the government may not be able to save some of the rivers and lakes which have been polluted.(adj. 巨大的;极大的)4. Cause Effect 因果法:从原因推测结果,从结果推测原因。 One who is destitute has a great need for food and clothing. That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day. (adj. 贫穷的,穷困的) (adj. 大的)5. Example 例举法:利用文中的举例猜测词义。常见的举例的提示词有for instance, for example, such as等 。Today young couples often spend lots of their money on appliances, for instance, washing machines, refrigerators and color televisions.(n. 电器用具) 方法6: Using word formation(构词法)prefix (前缀) suffix(后缀) un- word root (词根) believe -able6. Guessing the meaningunbelievable中学英语中常见的前缀和后缀有: super- (超) mini- (极小的, 微小的) micro-(极微小的) re- (再,反复) mis-(误,恶) im-(不) un-(不,非) in-(不,非) non-(不,非) -able(能…的 ) -less(不,无) -wards (向)superman microwave (超人) nonnatural mispronouce (非自然的) homeless nonsmoker (无家可归的) rebuild eastwards (重建) Can you guess the right meanings? (微波)(非烟民)(发错音)(向东)7. Context 上下文:利用语境及前后的提示来猜测词义。 利用重述作为上下文猜词的线索。当作者不能肯定读者能够理解他的意思时,他会用另外一种方式陈述自己的观点。常见的用来表示重述的词或短语有: to put it another way 换句话说or.... 即,或者说that is 也就是说 that is to say 也就是说 in other words 换句话说根据上下文指代关系猜测代词文章中的代词it, that, this, he, him 或them可以指上文提到的人或物,其中it和that还可以指一件事。有时代词指代的对象相隔较远,要认真查找;也有时需要对前面提到的内容进行总结,才能得出代词所指代的 ... ...

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