
Module 2 Unit 1I helped my mum 课件+教案+练习(含答案)+素材 40张

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:62次 大小:10043036Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum. 培优练习 选词填空。 1. I ___(finish/ finished) my homework, yesterday. 2. I ___(clean/ cleaned) my room last Sunday. 3. I am ____(washing/ washed) my trousers now. 4. She _____ (live/lives/lived) in china recently. 5. I ___ (am/is/was) 11 years old last year. 二、写一段话,记录一下自己的昨天(5-8句话)。 答案与解析 一、选词填空 答案: finished 【解析】yesterday昨天,属于过去时间,要用过去式。 cleaned 【解析】last Sunday昨天,属于过去时间,要用过去式。 washing 【解析】now现在,表达此刻正在进行的动作,正在进行时。 lives 【解析】recently最近,表达的是最近一段时间经常发生的动作,因此,要用一般 现在时,而且主语she是第三人称单数,因此live要加s。 5. was 【解析】last year昨天,属于过去时间,要用过去式。 二、写一段话,记录一下自己的昨天。 答案: Yesterday was my birthday. My bedroom was dirty, so I cleaned my room. I listened to music with my father. My mum cooked noodles for me. And I helped her to wash plates. Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum. 基础练习 一、补全单词 1. s h _ _ t 2. s _ _ r t 3. c l _ _ n 4. f _ n _ s h 5. d _ _ t y 二、根据课文内容,填写单词 1. I washed my t_____. 2. I cleaned my r_____. 3. I finished my h_____. 4. I helped my m_____. 5. my clothes were very d _____. 三、给下列动词变成过去式 1. is_____ 2. are_____ 3. wash_____ 4. finish_____ 5. clean_____ 6. help_____ 答案与解析 一.补全单词 答案:1. shirt 2. skirt 3. clean 4. finish 5. dirty 二.根据课文内容,填写单词 答案:1. room 2. trousers 3. homework 4. mum dirty【解析】脏的,不干净的 三. 给下列动词变成过去式 答案:1. was 2. were 3. washed 4. finished 5. cleaned 6. helped 【解析】普通动词便过去式加ed,be动词的过去式属于特殊变形,is变was,are变were。 Module 2 Unit 1 I helped my mum. 提高练习 一. 连词成句 1. boy, you, a, very, good, are. _____ 2. shirt, my, was, dirty, very. _____ 3. mum, very, my, was, happy. _____ 4. sister, I, helped, then, my. _____ 5. will, be, I, eleven, year, next. _____ 二. 翻译下列短语 1. 打扫房间_____ 2. 清理课桌_____ 3. 洗手_____ 4. 完成作业_____ 5. 帮助父母_____ 答案与解析 一. 连词成句 答案:【连词成句中的句子,均为课文原文,如有需要,可查阅教材。】 1. You are a very good boy. 2. My shirt was very dirty. 3. My mum was very happy. 4. Then I helped my sister. 5. I will be eleven next year. 二. 翻译下列短语 答案: clean room clean desk wash hands 【解析】这里的hand要加s,因为是两只手。 finish homework help parents 【解析】parents指的是父母两人,因此要加s。 Module 2 Unit 1I helped my mum. 教学设计 教材分析: 本模块主要是学习如何用过去式描述已经过去了的一天。Unit 1主要是Daming讲述了自己昨天所做的事情,以学习动词过去式为主,同时培养孩子们养成在家帮助父母做家务的好习惯。 教学目标: Students will learn some words and the past tense of some verbs. Students’ skills of reading, listening and communication will be improved after this lesson. Students will cultivate their habits of helping their parents to do housework. 教学重难点: clean(cleaned), wash(washed), cook(cooked) , help (helped) watch (watched) I cleaned my room. I washed my t ... ...

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