
Unit2 My week B read and write 精课+教案+同步练习

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:43次 大小:23023551Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    同步练习 一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成句子。 1.This is my _____(数学) teacher. She is quiet and kind. 2.— What do you have on Fridays? — We have _____(语文),art and maths. 3.We h_____ English, maths and PE on Wednesdays. 4.I often read books and _____(看) TV. 5.I often p_____ football on Saturdays. 二、读一读,选一选。 ( )1. What do you do _____Sundays? A. in B. on C. at ( )2.—What do you have on the weekend? —I often wash my clothes. What _____you? A. do B. are C. about ( )3. We have English on Mondays_____Wednesdays. A. and B. in C. or ( )4.—Do you often read books in this park? A. Yes, I am. B. No, I do. C. No, I don’t. ( )5. The first day of a week is_____. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Saturday 三、阅读短文,选择正确答案。 Hello! I’m Sarah. I have three new teachers, a science teacher, an art teacher and an English teacher. I like my maths teacher very much, because she is very kind. Today is Friday. We have art, English and maths. I like weekends. I often play football and watch TV on weekends. ( )1. Sarah has_____new teachers. A. four B. three C. five ( )2. Today is_____. A. Monday B. Sunday C. Friday ( )3.— What does Sarah have on Friday? — She has_____. A. music, maths and art. B. Chinese, English and music. C. art, English and maths. ( )4. What’s Sarah’s maths teacher like? A. She is very kind. B. She is very young. C. She is very tall. ( )5. What does Sarah do on weekends? A. She often reads books. B. She often plays football and watches TV. C. She often does homework. 参考答案 一、 1.maths 2. Chinese 3. have 4. watch 5. play 二、 1.B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 三、 1.B 2.C 3.C 4. A 5.B 版本科目年级课时教学设计 课题 B read and write 单元 Unit2 My week 学科 English 年级 五 学习 目标 1.能够听懂、会说:You look tired. Do you often play sports? Sometimes I read books.等句子并能在真实的语境中正确运用。 2.能够听、说、读、写句子:What do you often do on the weekend? I often watch TV. 等。 3.完成let’s check and let’s wrap it up。 重点 能够将所学句型熟练地运用到生活中去。 难点 句型的理解和运用。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 1.Let’s chant:The days of the week. 2.Brain strom 复习星期单词。 3.大转盘游戏。 复习Do you often...?句型。 边听边唱 做游戏 歌曲活跃气氛,游戏复习旧知,做铺垫。 讲授新课 1.教师呈现书本插图 T:Look at the picture.Wu Yifan looks like_____. You can speak in Chinese. Ss:很累 T:Yeah, he is tired. T-i-r-e-d, tired.板书教读单词。 T:Why is he tired? Look at the picture,can you guess what happened? Ss:... When does he have PE? He has PE on_____. 2.Read and judge. T: Boys and girls, I’ll give you three minutes to finish the “Tick or cross”. Later, we’ll check the answer. 3.Scanning. T:Wu Yifan doesn’t like sports. What does Robin say to him? What’s Robin’s advice?板书教读advice。 T:Read the dialogue quickly and find what Robin’s advice is. Ss:You should play sports every day.板书教读单词should,every,day. T:Now, read the dialogue again,and answer the question:What does Wu Yifan do on the weekend? Ss: ... ...

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