
Unit 2 Ways to go to school PB Read and wirte 课件

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:88次 大小:11599194Byte 来源:二一课件通
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人教(PEP)三年级上册(2017) Unit 2 Ways to go to school B Read and write & Let’s check 人教(PEP)六年级上册 Let’s sing A: How do you come to school? B: I usually / often come … Sometimes I come… by bus by car on foot by tricycle 教学目标 Free talk by subway by bike What other ways can you think of to go to school? 教学目标 Pre-reading How does Robin go to school? Word bank by plane by ship by horse by ferry by sled by motorcycle … I don't go to school. I learn at home. Grandpa is ill. Robin wants to read a magazine to him. Grandpa, let me read this for you. Thanks, Robin. 教学目标 While-reading What’s the text about? Different ways to go to school. Task1: Read and find Underline?the?places! 划出地点 Task2: Read and mark How many places can you find in the text? Some children go to school on foot in Munich, Germany. In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot. Some kids go to school by sled. It’s fast. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school by ferry every day. In Papa Westray, Scotland,the children go to school by ferry, too. But in 2009, they went to school by plane because the ferry didn’t work. _____ _____ _____ _____ Munich, Germany 慕尼黑,德国 Papa Westray, Scotland 帕帕韦斯特雷岛,苏格兰 Alaska ,USA 阿拉斯加,美国 Jiangxi, China 1. In Munich, Germany, some children go to school on foot. ( ) 2. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school by ship. ( ) 3. In Alaska, USA, some children go to school by sled. ( ) 4. In Papa Westray, Scotland, the children went to school by ferry in 2009. ( ) Task3: Read and tick or cross 阅读判断对错 教学目标 Let’s learn by sled by ferry by boat by ship /sled/ /?feri/ Task4: Read and answer 1. How many ways to go to school can you find in the text? 2.Does everyone in the text go to school? Underline?the?key words! 划出答案关键词! Four. Yes. Task5: Listen and imitate Some children go to school on foot in Munich, Germany. In Alaska, USA, it snows a lot. Some kids go to school by sled. It’s fast. Some children in Jiangxi, China, go to school by ferry every day. In Papa Westray, Scotland,the children go to school by ferry, too. But in 2009, they went to school by plane because the ferry didn’t work. 教学目标 Listen and repeat Safety is important! 安全很重要! some kids in ways to go to school They must Don’t Choose some suggestions for the kids. Munich , Germany Alaska, USA Jiangxi, China Papa Westray, Scotland on foot by sled by ferry by plane in 2009 by ferry suggestions 教学目标 Post-reading 小组讨论,针对小组成员上学的交通方式,提出安全建议并制作成海报。 name ways to go to school You must Don’t poster Group work 教学目标 Look, read and write Some children go to school _____ in _____, _____. Hong Kong, China by subway Hong Kong China What suggestions will you give to them? _____. Don’t touch the door in the subway. Some kids in _____(在中国广西),go to school _____bamboo raft (乘竹筏) _____(每天). What suggestions will you give to them? →They must wear _____. →Don’t _____. Guangxi, China by every d ... ...

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