

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学学案 查看:82次 大小:1225216Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 10 Air Ⅰ.单词 空气 air 脏的 dirty 处处,到处 everywhere 干净的,洁净的 clean 活着的 alive 感到痛 hurt 气球 balloon 清新的 fresh 工厂 factory 种植 plant 烟 smoke Ⅱ.短语 让…活着 keep…alive 植树 plant trees 对某人来说很重要 be important to sb Ⅲ.句子 它使它们高高的飞在空中。 It keeps them high in the sky. 它即没有气味也没有味道。 It has no smell or taste. 我们应该多种点树。 We should plant more trees. Ⅳ.重点讲解 1.keep+名词+形容词 使某物保持某种状态 Water is important. It keeps people, animals and plants____ A. live B. alive C. live 2.need+名词 Eg:I need a cup of tea. need+ to do Eg: We need to pick up all the paper. 3.should+动词原形 应该,应当 We should_____ more trees and keep the air clean. A. planted B. plant C. to plant Ⅴ.单选 1. Kitty’s eyes _____ because of the smoke from the cars and buses. A. open B. smile C. cry D. hurt 2. We cannot see it, but we _____ feel it. A. cannot B. can C. could D. could not 3. The____ is everywhere, but we cannot see it. A. water B. air C. cloud D. tree 4. We use ____ to make paper. A. wood B. water C. cloth D. good 5. There are no trees ____ flowers here. A. and B. or C. but 6. We cannot see it, ____ we can feel it. A. and B. or C. but 7. Look at the smoke ____ the factory. A. to B. from C. for 8. The toy moves ____ in the air. A. slower B. slowly C. slow 9. Please _____ up the toy in the air. A. make B. throw C. take 10. The air in our city was clean, but now it is ____ A. clean B. fresh C. dirty 答案:1-5 DBBAB 6-10 CBBBC Unit 11 Trees Ⅰ.单词 木头,木材 wood 使变凉 cool 火柴 match(matches) 想念 miss Ⅱ.短语 不得不 have to 把…砍到 cut … down 寻找 look for 从…得到… get … from 用…做… use … to do 在树上(不是树的部分) in the tree 把…切割/锯成 cut…into… 最后一个 the last one 飞走 fly away Ⅲ.句子 我们从树上得到木头。 We get wood from trees. 我们用木头做铅笔。 We use wood to make pencils. 它们使我们的城市变得漂亮。 They make our city beautiful. Ⅳ.重点讲解 1. make+名词+形容词 使…变得…. make our city beautiful 使我们的城市变得漂亮 keep the air clean 保持空气清洁 Ⅴ.单选 1. The bird comes ____, but she cannot see the tree. A. on B. in C. out D. back 2. I’m looking ____ my friend. Where is he? A. on B. at C. for D. over 3. It’s raining. Ben ____ go back home. A. have to B. has C. has to 4. We can use matches to ____ a fire. A. keep B. put C. make 5. The little children want to sleep. The teacher takes ____ to the bedroom. A. they B. their C. them 6. The workers cut the tree ____ wood. A. out B. down C. into 7. The bird picked up some rice and flew _____ A. away B. over C. into 8. We can use wood ____ paper. A. make B. making C. to make 9. There are many apples ____ the tree. A. in B. on C. of 10. The bird is singing ____ that apple tree. A. in B. on C. at 11. There were many vegetables in the basket but now there aren’t ____ A. some B. any C. much 答案:1-5 DCACC 6-11 CACBAB Unit 12 The Earth Ⅰ.单词 地球 Earth 垃圾 rubbish 地区,区域 part 生病的 sick 森林 ... ...

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