

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:69次 大小:4991667Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    话题三: 社会现象 Writing 1目前越来越多的家长送孩子参加各种课外辅导班,就此现象发表你的看法。 高分范文 Should Parents Send Their Kids to After-school Class? It is widely seen that many parents send their children to after-school classes nowadays. Many people are in favor of this practice while others are opposed to it. As far as I am concerned,this trend should not be encouraged for the reasons as follows. The first priority is that after-school classes themselves are not proper places for learning. The institutions hosting these classes often lay more emphasis on making profit rather than their teaching quality. As the host institutions put profit in the first place, what children can actually learn from these classes remains a question. Besides, attending after-school class reduces children’s playing time, which may cause some problems. It is universally acknowledged that certain amount of playing time plays an important role in children’s growth. When children are deprived of their playing time because of various after-school classes, they may fail to enjoy a normal golden childhood. Moreover, the aim of sending children to after-school classes is questionable. Most parents want their children to acquire knowledge in advance so that their kids could be better in school. But parents should know that the scores are achieved at the cost of the children’s happiness, which is far more important than knowledge itself. In a nutshell, parents shouldn’t send children to after-school classes, and the whole society has the responsibility to stop the trend. Writing 2有人说中国学生学习很努负但是缺乏创造力,就此说法发表你的看法。 高分范文1 As people are paying more attention not only to a student’s scores but also to his abilities in all aspects, the concept that Chinese students are lacking in creativity has been accepted by the majority of people. In my opinion, there’s no denying that Chinese students do lack creativity. Though the policy that we should carry out quality-oriented education has been put out into practice for several years, the test-oriented education is so deep-rooted that students still focus on the knowledge on books. When we compare Chinese students with students in foreign countries, such as America, Britain and so on, it’s quite obvious that Chinese students lack creativity. Seldom do they consider inventing something with the knowledge they have obtained. We should face directly the problem we have, so it’s high time that we improved our creativity. As for us students, there’s no doubt that we should go deep into things in our life, try something new, and make full use of the knowledge. Moreover, schools should also provide students with equipment and encourage them to turn their ideas into reality. What’s more important is that the education system should be changed step by step,attach more importance to students’ creativity. Creativity is necessary to a student’s success as well as a country’s improvement. Though we C ... ...

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