
Unit3 What would you like?课件 (共16张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:36次 大小:552402Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件16张PPT。What would you like?Let’s chant Hello, Zoom, hello, Zip. Can I help? Can I help? Yes, thank you. Yes, thank you. Do you like noodles? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like hamburgers? No, I don’t. No, I don’t. The Cate Street 美 食 街Hot dogWhat would you like?(你要什么?) I’d like some…(我要一些……)beefnoodlessouphamburgerbreadfishchickencakeFrench friesWhat about you?(你呢?)Chant: What would you like? What would you like? I’d like some soup and beef please. What about you? What about you? I’d like some noodles and fish please. Mm…Yummy.Attendant(服务员): Hello, can I help you? Zoom: Yes, please. Attendant : What would you like? Zip: I’d like some soup and noodles. Do you like noodles, Zoom? Zoom: Yes, I do. What about you , Mike? Mike: I’d like some beef and fish. Attendant : Here you are. Zoom: Mm…Yummy.Italy : Pizza(批萨) France : Cocktail (法国鸡尾酒) Thailand :Thai Chicken-Toe (泰国风爪)Korea : Pickled Vegetable (韩国泡菜) Japan: Sushi (日本寿司) Don’t waste food please. 请不要浪费食物。Bye-bye!

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