
Module 2 My favourite things Unit 4 Animals in the zoo同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:29次 大小:7725Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 2 My favourite things Unit 4 Animals in the zoo. 同步练习 1.A: Happy New Year! B: Hello! B. Happy New Year! 2.A: You’ve got a new dress, It’s son nice. B: A. Bye-bye! B. Thank you! 3. A: Are you Sandy? B: Yes, I’m Sandy. B. No, I’m Sandy. . 1.nurse uncle father mother 2.pencil jet book eraser 3.snake mouse knife monkey 1. Short tall ball 2. thin cat fat 1.( )Good morning. Three cakes, please. ( )Good morning. ( )Here you are. ( )Thank you, Good-bye. ( )How much? ( )Here’s the money. ( )Eight yuan. 1.( )Good morning. A. Fine, thank you. 2. ( ) Is he a milkman? B. He’s a farmer. 参考答案 1.A: Happy New Year! B: Hello! B. Happy New Year! B. 2.A: You’ve got a new dress, It’s son nice. B: A. Bye-bye! B. Thank you! B. 3. A: Are you Sandy? B: Yes, I’m Sandy. B. No, I’m Sandy. A. . 1.nurse uncle father mother nurse. 2.pencil jet book eraser jet. 3.snake mouse knife monkey mouse. 1. Short tall ball tall。 2. thin cat fat fat. 1.(2)Good morning. Three cakes, please. (1)Good morning. (6)Here you are. (7)Thank you, Good-bye. (3)How much? (5)Here’s the money. (4)Eight yuan. ( )Good morning. A.He’s a farmer. B. 2. ( ) Is he a milkman? B. Good morning. A.

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