
Module 3 My colourful life Unit 8 Happy birthday同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:13次 大小:7705Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 3 My colourful life Unit 8 Happy birthday! 同步练习 1. He got a bear. A. has. B. have. 2. You a nice picture. A. has got. B. have got. 1.crayon peach pear banana 2.teacher nose nurse doctor 1. left light right 2. small pig big This is Ben. He’s got a big head. He’s got small ears. This is Alice. She’s got a big doll. It’s pink. This is Tony, He’s got a red jet. 1.Ben has got a . A. Big head B. Small ears 2. This is Alice. She’s got a . A. small doll B. big doll . 当你想看看别人的东西时,你说: A.?Can I have a look? B. Sure. Here you are. C.OK. 参考答案 1. He got a bear. A. has. B. have. A. 2. You a nice picture. A. has got. B. have got. B. 1.crayon peach pear banana crayon. 2.teacher nose nurse doctor nose. 1. left light right light. 2. small pig big pig. This is Ben. He’s got a big head. He’s got small ears. This is Alice. She’s got a big doll. It’s pink. This is Tony, He’s got a red jet. 1.Ben has got a . A. Big head B. Small ears A. 2. This is Alice. She’s got a . A. small doll B. big doll .B. 当你想看看别人的东西时,你说: A.?Can I have a look? B. Sure. Here you are. C.OK. A.

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