
人教版英语七年级下册:Unit 10 Section B 2b Birthday Food Around the World(课件10张+教案+练习)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:57次 大小:5358508Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit10 Birthday Food Around the World. 教学设计 课题 Unit 10 Birthday Food Around the World. 执教时间 2018.4 课型 新授课 主备人 使用人 课时 Unit10第4课时 总课 32 教材 分析 The topic of this unit is about birthday food around the world . Such a topic is related to our daily life, so it’s easy to arouse students’ learning interests.There are many new words and phrases in the passage,students can learn the meaning of them according to the knowledge they have learned and the reading skills.As we all know, reading has a great effect on speaking and writing. So this lesson is quite important . 教学 目标 1.Knowledge aims a. Master the new words and the phrases: world, answer, different, candle, age, blow, if, will, candy, lucky, popular, idea,around the world, have birthday cake, make a wish, blow out, in one go, cut up, get popular, bring good luck to…. b.Master the important sentences: (1)If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come true. (2)The long noodles are a symbol of long life. 2.Ability aims a.Talk about birthday food and know the culture of birthday food in different countries. b.To improve reading and writing abilities and develop the ability of summarizing. 3.Emotions attitudes and moral values a.To develop interests in country music and help people in need. 教学 重点 难点 1. Have students master the new words and language points. 2. Know about food culture and birthday culture around the world. 3. Improve students’ reading skills and interest of learning English. 学生 分析 For?grade?7?students,?they?have?mastered?enough?knowledge?both?in?vocabulary?and?reading?skills, it’ll?be?helpful?for?them?to?understand?the?passage. 教具 PPT 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step 1 Warming-up Leading-in Step 2 While-reading I.Fast-reading II.Careful reading Step 3 Writing Step 4 Summary Step 5 Self-check Step 6 Homework Play the music song Happy Birthday to You. T: Do you like this music? T: Today is ...’s birthday.Let’s sing it together. T: I would like to eat noodles and fish. What would you like to eat on your birthday? Different people have different answers. The answer would be different in different countries. Let students read the article quickly and answer the question. What is the article about? A.Birthday food around the world(世界各地) B.Holidays C.Weather Task1: Let students read Para.2 and order the pictures. Task2: Who is the lucky student?(寻找幸运星) Show a candy and learn the new word.Then hide it and let a student guess where the candy is.(Left hand or the right hands) Task3: Let students read Para.3 and fill in the blanks. Task4: Let students read Para.4 and answer the question. What are the same ideas? They bring good luck to the birthday person. 教师创设情景: Xiao Bing's bithday is coming. Let's give him a happy birthday. Let students share the plan with others and write it down. T: Today we learn the text “Birthday Food Around the World”.Now we sum up the main content together. ( Using the ... ...

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