
Module 3 Places and activities Unit 2 Shopping 教案

日期:2024-06-13 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:22次 大小:31682Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 3 Unit 2 Shopping 第一课时 本单元是进行情景的创设———Shopping,课文中出现了很多句型,虽然在一二年级差不多都接触过,但是到了三年级要求不同了,要求能读、能背,能默,能或用于对话中,或用于生活中,特别是小故事中的There be _____句型,比较难。本单元的语法重点是帮助学生区分单复数和不可数名词,这是比较容易混淆的。 【知识目标】 1、学习有关物品的单词,能知道名词的单复数形式,并正确发音:an apple/ apples, an orange/oranges, a banana/bananas, a peach/peaches 2、能运用以下句型来表达所需购买的东西:May I have…, please? 3、能运用以下句型来问询问数量:How many …? 4、能运用以下句型来询问价格:How much…? 【能力目标】 能用新句型进行询问和回答: How many …? How much … ? … yuan . 【情感目标】 学会在不同的语境中进行对话的创编,养成礼貌购物的好习惯。 【教学重点】 1、能运用以下句型来问询问数量:How many …? 2、能运用以下句型来询问价格:How much…? 【教学难点】 能运用以下句型来表达所需购买的东西:May I have…, please? 教师准备多媒体课件,单词卡片,人物图片及实物教具等。 学生准备:学生用书、笔、个人收集的物品(实物或照片) Step1. Warming up Sing a song. Peaches, apples, plums Step2. Preview Ask and answer. Do you like … ? Can you ….? Step3. Presentation 1.T:Please look at the picture. How many …? (Show the media) a. Make a short chant. Bag, bag ,bag. Red, red, red. How many, how many? Five, five, five. b. Read the singular of the words. Then show the students the plural of them. c. Look and say. an apple apples an orange oranges a banana bananas a peach peaches 2. T: Now, I’ll bring you to go to the fruit shop. Let’s count more fruit. (Show the picture) a. Lead- in T: We’re now arriving at the fruit shop. Look, a woman is shopping. Listen, what are they talking? b. Listen to the dialogue May I have... please? Listen and repeat. Ask and answer. May I have …,please? Here you are. Thank you. c. T: Look, when we finish shopping. How to pay for? T: How much? _____ yuan. d. Show the whole dialogue. 3 .Please look at the picture and make some short dialogues. 4. We use yuan in China. But other countries use other currency(货币). Eg: HK$, £, U.S.$ ,etc. 5. T: OK, Now, Alice ,Kitty and Miss Fang will go shopping. Let’s go with them. (Show the media) a. Choose three students to act the dialogue.. b. Then make a new dialogue. S1: Can I help you? S2: May I have ..., please? S1: Sure. S2: How much? S1: ... S2: Here you are. S1: Thank you. Step4. Practice Play a game. Make a shopping list. (Show the example) Step5. Homework 1. Listen and read 3A M3U2 P30-31. 2. Copy and write the sentences. 略。 第二课时 【知识目标】 1、能运用一下句型来表达想要的东西:May I have …? 2、运用以下句型来表达某地有某物:There is/ are … 3、掌握o在单词中的正确发音,如:dog, shop 【能力目标】 能正确区分单复数和不可数名词在句型中的运用。 【情感目标】 1、学会在不同的语境中进行对话的创编,养成礼貌购物的好习惯。 2、培养学生良好的语音语感,并能正确读出和辨识音标。 【教学重点】 能正确区分单复数和不可数名词在句型中的运用。 【教学难点】 学会运用以There be句型来表达某地有某物:There is/ are … ... ...

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