
Module 4 Unit 1 Insects 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:43次 大小:17668Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 4 Unit 1 Insects 同步练习 1、一只昆虫_____ 2、三只苍蝇_____ 3、一只美丽的蝴蝶_____4、多少甲虫_____ 1、 _____ (What/Who) is it? It is a ladybird. 2、 I can see many red_____ (kites, flowers) in the sky. 3、 How many_____ (bird, birds)? There is one. 4、 Is this _____ (a, an) insect? Yes. 1、 _____ umbrella 2、 _____ tall zebra 3、 _____ black hair 4、 _____ insect 5、 _____ ant 6.、_____ butterfly A: Look! 1._____ an insect. 2._____is it? B: It’s a ladybird. It’s 3._____ and black. A: Oh, look! 4._____ that? Is it an 5._____ , too? B: 6._____ , it is. 1、What is it?(漂亮的瓢虫)_____ 2、 _____? There’s one butterfly. 3、 What is that?(一只又小又黑的蚂蚁) _____ 4、 Can Alice see a yellow kite?(不,白色的风筝) _____ 5、The ladybird is red and black. _____ 6、Is that small ant black?(肯定句) _____ 参考答案 一、 1. an insect 2. three flies 3. a beautiful butterfly 4. how many insects 二、 1.What 2.kites 3.birds 4.ant 三、 1. a a / an an a 四、 1. It’s What 3. red 4. What’s 5. Ladybird 6. Yes 五、 1.A beautiful insect. 2. How many insects? 3. A small and black ant. 4. No, a yellow kite. 5. What colour is the ladybird? 6. Yes,it is.

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