
新目标(Go for it)版八年级下Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum?Section B Reading & Writing教案

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:99次 大小:37952Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 9 Have you ever been to museum? Section B Reading & Writing 闵欢 教学设计 二次备课 Section B Reading Students Teaching Aims 1. Knowledge and Ability Objects (1) Key vocabulary: Singapore, population, southeast Asia, … (2) Target language: Have you ever tried/seen/ been…? (3) Train listening, speaking reading abilities and skills.. 2.Moral aims: (1) To raise students’ interest of learning English. (2) Life is like a journey ,enjoy your journey and enjoy your life . Teaching Key Points Key vocabulary, target language in this period. Teaching Difficulties Improve students’ reading and writing skills. Teaching methods (1) The activity teaching methods. (2)The cooperative learning method, Teaching Aids A computer for multimedia use. Teaching Steps: Step 1 Free talk 1.Talk about dream places you want to take a holiday. 2. Lead in the topic. Step 2 Pre-reading T shows a map of Singapore. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks. Step 3 While reading Match the main ideas with each paragraph. Read paragraph by paragraph ,and finish the mind map . Para 1 Para 2 Para 3、Para4 Step 4 After reading Ask some students to retell each paragraph according to the mind map . Group work : What should you consider if you want to travel ? Places to visit People Weather Transportation History Food Best time to go and stay there …… Step 5 writing Group work : Write an article to advertise BoZhou . The following expressions and the writing skill may help you . Have you ever tried / seen / been …… ? If you ……,you will / can …… You should …… One great thing about …… is …… writing skill : Topic Main Idea Facts Summary Step 6 Summary and Homework Search information about other countries and share with your friends. 2.Write an article to advertise a place you have been to . Step 7 Blackboard Design Unit 9 Have you ever been to museum? Section B Reading take a vacation southeast simply equator Have you ever heard of Singapore? 课后反思:

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