
Unit 3 It has a short tail 单元教案 四个课时

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:99次 大小:20692Byte 来源:二一课件通
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二年级上 Unit3 It has a short tail 执教人_____ 课 题 Unit 3 It has a short tail. (words) 第一课时 主备人 组员 教学目标 知识目标:?能听懂、会说、会读词汇bear、giraffe、monkey、tiger、long、short 能力目标:能正确读出bear、giraffe、monkey、tiger、long、short 3.情感目标:知道相关的动物名称能爱护保护和喜爱小动物。 教学重点 句型 Look at the bear/… It has a short tail/long neck. 词汇 bear、giraffe、monkey、tiger、long、short、has、neck 教学难点 正确地理解句型 It has a… 用法 正确读出词汇bear、monkey、giraffe、has、tail的读音和Oh no!的语调 教学准备 Pictures、DVD光盘 教学过程 建议 Step1 Warm up 1. Greetings. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Cao. T:Hi, (展示自己的玩具猪)I have a pig. It’s pink. It’s fat. S1: I have a dog. It’s brown. It’s small. S2: I have a hamster. It’s white. It’s cute. S3: I have a duck. It’s yellow. It’s small. S4: I have a cat. It’s brown and white. It’s big. Step 2 Presentation & Practice 1、Now, look at my bag. (引导学生说出rabbit、hamster、dog、cat复习学过的四个动物单词) Show students animals in the bag. And say: This is a rabbit. This is a dog. Put animals pictures on the blackboard Step 3 Reading and understanding (展示动物的图片)Look! These are animals! (指着棕熊问)What’s this? Can you say? S1:Is this a rabbit? T:No,It’s a bear. (教授新词bear) 同样展示长颈鹿giraffe. 展示猴子monkey (教授新词giraffe monkey) 展示老虎tiger (教授新词tiger) ②Choose two students come here.(挑选一个头发长的,一个头发短的;一个男生,一个女生) How are they different? Teach long and short. Game(the train is coming) To choose one line to read words (已开火车的方式让学生充分掌握单词的发音) Game(group say) (老师手举单词卡片,让学生开始抢答,看哪一组说的又快又对) Step 4 Production show animals pictures. S1: This is a bear. S2: This is a giraffe. S3: This is a monkey. S4: This is a tiger. T:Very good! Now everyone look at the screen. We start a game called “fast and right” (让学生看PPT,根据投影仪上跳出来的图片说出单词) Step 5 Consolidation 1. Magic eyes To review the new words. 2.Play a game Read the words in groups and see which group is fluent and good. Step 6 Homework 1. Copy and ricite the new word. 2. Preview story time. 板书设计: Unit 1 She’s my aunt(words) bear giraffe monkey tiger long  short 教学反思: 课 题 Unit 3 It has a short tail. (story time) 第二课时 主备人 组员 教学目标 1. 知识目标: 能听懂、会说、会读词汇bear、giraffe、monkey、tiger、long、short 能力目标:能正确读并运用Look at the…; It has a… 和Oh no!的语调 3.情感目标:知道相关的动物名称,能够描述动物的形状特点,能爱护保护和喜爱小动物。 教学重点 能听懂、会说、会读词汇bear、giraffe、monkey、tiger、 long、short 教学难点 能正确读并运用Look at the…; It has a…和Oh no!的语调 教学准备 Pictures、DVD光盘 教学过程 建议 Step 1 Warm up 1.Greetings. T: Class begins. T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: Nice to see you. T: Sit down, please. Step 2 Review 1.Show a picture of animals T: flash the pictures quickly. Step 3 Reading and understanding 1.Watch and an ... ...

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