
Unit1 She’s my aunt 教案(4个课时)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:96次 大小:17273Byte 来源:二一课件通
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二年级上 Unit2 I have a rabbit. 执教人_____ 课 题 Unit2 I have a rabbit (words) 第一课时 主备人 组员 教学目标 知识目标:?1.?Be?able?to?listen,?speak?and?read?the?vocabulary:?rabbit,?dog,?hamster,?cat,?big,?small.? 2.Be able to listen, speak and read the sentence structure: I have a …. It’s …. It’s …. 2.能力目标:1.?Be?able?to?listen,?speak?and?read?the?vocabulary:?rabbit,?dog,?hamster,?cat,?big,?small.? 2.Be able to listen, speak and read the sentence structure: I have a …. It’s …. It’s …. 3.情感目标:能在图片的帮助下读懂简单的对话。 教学重点 1. Be able to listen, speak and read the vocabulary. 2. Be able to listen, speak and read the sentence structure. 教学难点 1. Be able to pronounce “hamster” and “rabbit” correctly and clearly. 2. Be able to distinguish the characteristics of three animals. 教学准备 课件、词语卡片、挂图 教学过程 建议 Step1 Warm up 1. Free talk: T: Hello. How are you?/ Is this …?/ … Ss: …. 2. Enjoy a song: Sing the song This is my uncle Step 2 Presentation & Practice Lead-in: Play a game: Magic ears Listen and guess the name of animals. Moo! Moo! cow Woof! Woof! dog Squeak! Squeak! hamster Miaow! Miaow! cat Quack! Quack! duck Teach the word “dog” “cat” and “hamster” . 1. Look and say: Show the pictures. T: I have a hamster. It’s small. T: I have a dog. It’s big. Teach the new sentence “I have a …. It’s ….” Show more pictures. Lead Ss to practice and make more sentences. Ss: I have a …. It’s …. Teach the word “rabbit” . Show the picture. Lead Ss to practice and make more sentences. 2. Listen and repeat. Step 3 Reading and understanding 1. Read together 2. Happy reading Ss work in groups and choose one way to read the dialogue: Read after one person/ Read together/ Read in roles 3.Act the dialogues in roles. Step 4 Production Play a game: Little detective Ss help to find the missing animals according to the description. 2. Summarize the class and assign homework: Listen to the CD twice and follow it. Talk about your pets with your classmates. Step 5 Consolidation 做课时练相关练习 Step 6 Homework 1. 听录音,读熟P6页。 2.用家里的相片依次介绍进行练习。 3. 鼓励学生平时用所学的日常交际用语相互打招呼。 板书设计: Unit 2 I have a rabbit I have a …. It’s …. It’s …. 教学反思:通过复习之前学过的农场动物,来导出本课家庭宠物。内容较生趣,孩子课堂积极性较高,对于猜谜游戏和卡片游戏乐于参与。 课 题 Unit2 I have a rabbit(story time) 第二课时 主备人 组员 教学目标 知识目标: 1. Be able to listen, speak and read the vocabulary. 2. Be able to listen, speak and read the sentence structures: I have a …. It’s …. It’s …. 能力目标: 1. Be able to listen, speak and read the vocabulary. 2. Be able to listen, speak and read the sentence structures: I have a …. It’s …. It’s …. 3. Be able to introduce the toy animals correctly and skillfully. 情感目标:能在图片的帮助下做简单的角色表演。 教学重点 1. Be able to listen, speak and read the sentence structures: I have a …. It’s …. It’s …. 2. Be able to i ... ...

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