
Unit 7 Hobbies 第2课时(课件+素材)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:26次 大小:87716139Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课件34张PPT。Warm up One one—run run run. Two two—jump jump jump. Three three—look look look. Four four—fly fly fly. Five five—miao miao miao.Module 3 My colourful lifeHobbies7Period2 Ben and Bob光明新区精华学校 执教者:Nana Chow Animals’ Hobbies ShowHow many seasons are there in a year?I like riding a bicycle in spring.I like swimming in summer.I like flying a kite in autumn.I like making a snowman in winter.FreeTalk Hi,I'm _____. I like _____(doing) in ____. Ben and BobBen and BobHi,I'm Ben. I'm_____and____. I like ____(doing)in _____. Hi,I'm Bob. I'm_____and____. I like _____(doing) in _____. If you are Ben or Bob,how can you introduce yourself? 如果你是Ben或者Bob,你会如何介绍你自己呢?1.Who is lazy?(懒惰) 2. What does Ben like in spring,summer and autumn? 3.What does Bob like in spring,summer and autumn? Listen and answer!Enjoy a story2Enjoy a story3Enjoy a storyBen is lazy.Ben likes sleeping in spring and summer. Ben likes singing and dancing in autumn3Enjoy a storyBob likes working, working and working in spring,summer and autumn.4Enjoy a storyEnjoy a storyHello, I’m Ben. I like sleeping in spring. Do you like sleeping,Bob?No no no ,I like working.Go away! let's learnSummer is hot. Wow,I like sleeping.No no no ,I like working.Go away! Lazy Ben!let's learn2I like singing and dancing in autumn.No no no,I like working. I'm a good worker.Go away!let's learn3I’m so cold. I’m so hungry. I don't like winter . let's learnIn winter, I like reading at home.let's learnCan you help me?OK,Please come in!let's learnCan you imagine, what will happen?Let's watch the video.Retell story 1.No pains,no gains.(不劳无获) 2.A friend in need is a friend in deed.(患难见真情) Tell us1. Retell the story to your parents. 2. Make a new story:“A bee and a frog”. HomeworkHello. I am _____. I can_____. I like _____ in _____.Make a new story!Thank you

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