

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:36次 大小:160142Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2018-2019学年闽教版小学英语六年级上册第一次月考试卷 (Unit1-2) 满分:100分 时间:40分钟 听力部分 30 分 一. 听音,写单词,并写出词意。16%? 1. dr m 2.h lth 3.b g n 4.w ld ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. p ss 6.st g 7. c tch 8. exer ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二.听音,连线。4%? 三. 选出与所读句子相配对的对话。5%? ?(?????)?1.?A. On August 8.2008.??????????????????B.?On July 8.2008..? (?????)?2.?A.?Boating??? ?B.?skating.? (?????)?3.?A.?Blue, black, red, yellow and green.??????????????B.?White.? (?????)?4.?A?.Yes, he do. ?B. Yes, he does.? (?????)?5.?A?.Yes,?I?did.??????????????????? B.?Yes,?I?do.? 四.听音,填入所缺单词。5%?分 1. you watch the Olympic Games on TV? 2.There five rings on it. 3.Do you exercise every day? 4.Some boys are in the playground. 5.The slogans is One world ,one dream. Faster, higher and . 笔试部分:70分 选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。5%?分 ( ) 1.A.Watch B. game C. know ( ) 2.A.solgan B. higher C. faster ( ) 3.A.began B. did C. see ( ) 4.A.playing B. passing C. catch ( )  5.A.their B. he C. you 二、按要求完成下列各题。5%? 1.who is (缩写形式) 2.go(第三人称的单数)    3. hold(过去式)     4.run(现在分词)      5.cheer(现在分词)     三、选词填空.8 %? It (began / begin) on September 10,2008. The Olympic Flag is (red / white). Peter and Wang Tao are players (of / for) Class One. (Do / Does) Sally often swim in the morning? Some boys are (play / playing) in the school. The boy (look / looks) very strong. Sally ( goes, went) to the supermarket yesterday. Faster, higher and (strong / stronger). 四、选择正确的答案? 10% 1.( ) China held the 29th Olympic games Beijing. A in B are C at 2.( ) What color is the Olympic flag ? A Blue B yellow C white 3. ( )There are five rings the Olympic flag. A on B in C at 4. ( )The games on August 8,2008. A begin B began C do 5 .( )Can you sing the song “You and Me”?回答选择: A Yes, you can. B No, I can. C Yes, I can . 6.( ) We can see skating Winter Olympics. A at B in C for 7.( ) Did you TV last night? A watch TV B see C look 8.( )They blue, black, red, yellow and green. A is   B are   C am 9.( ) he often high jump? A Does, do B Do, do C Do, does 10.( ) A: What do the five rings stand for ? A All people of the world B Five colors 五、根据图片提示,选词填空。12% 1、 China held the 29th 2、 There are on it. 3 、They are 4、 You can go in the park. 5、 Does he often 6、 He doesn’t do well 六、看图写话。10% 1.This is the . It is . 2.There are on it. 1..This is our . It is . . 2.There are on it. 七、连词成句。10% 1. often exerclses the in He afternoon .(他经常下午锻炼。) 2. are They for  the  team  cheering. (他们在为球队欢呼。) 3. he often go Does boating ?(他经常去划船吗?) 4.four place every They years take .( 他们每四年举办一次。) 5. are color What they ? (他们是什么颜色?) 八、阅读理解,判断正误,正确用T,错误用F。10% Many old people get up early every day. They exercise in the park. Many of them like playing Taichi or dance GuangChangWu very much. They look ... ...

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