
高中英语译林版模块五Unit1 Getting along with others Reading(1)课件(共28张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:57次 大小:9837487Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件28张PPT。Unit 1 getting along with -- readingHave you ever argued with a very good friend? What’s the reason for your argument? How would you mend broken friendship?If your friend tells others about your secrets, how will you feel and what will you react? We should keep our promise and keep friends’ secrets. Honesty is one of the most important factors in the friendship 2. When your friendship is in trouble, will you stop talking with your friend and make a new friend? Friends should unite and help each other when meeting with some difficulties. What may lead to a broken friendship? --having little in common --lacking trust --lacking communication --there being conflict of interest --being jealous of each other --being far away from each other --having a new friend … Fast readingGo through the two letters quickly and answer questions in Part A.1. Are the writers of the two letters feeling happy or sad?They are feeling sad.2. What grade did Sarah get on the math quiz? She got a D. 3. In Andrew’s opinion, why did his team lose the match? Because his friend Matthew was playing badly in the match.Careful reading 1Secrets and liesRead the first letter carefully and answer the first three questions in C1. 1. What did Sarah think about the math quiz?She thought it was quite easy.2. What did Sarah tell Hannah in the girls’ washroom?She told Hannah how badly she had done in the math quiz.3. Why did Sarah tell Hannah that they weren’t going to be friends any more?Because she thought that Hannah had told her classmates about her grade after promising not to do so.How did Sarah feel according to her letter?Sarah felt … The reasons… betrayedashamedShe thought her best friend Hannah didn’t keep her secret.She scored the lowest grade in her class. Sarah felt … The reasons… upsetangryShe found a piece of paper on her desk that said “stupid Sarah got a D”. She thought her best friend Hannah didn’t keep her secret. Careful reading 2Read the second letter and answer the rest questions in C1. 1. Why did Mathew get annoyed at Andrew after the match?Because Andrew was very angry with him and said he was not trying hard enough. Mathew thought it wasn’t his fault if he couldn’t play as well as Andrew and that Andrew shouldn’t have talked to him in that manner. 2. What did Matthew think about losing the match?He thought it wasn’t his fault.3. What kind of boy is Matthew? He is usually cheerful and outgoing.Reading strategyHe had a problem.He got angryHe felt really guilty. If you were Sarah or Andrew, would you try to fix the broken friendship with your friend? What would you do to fix it?If you had a problem with your friend, would you write to Annie? If not, who would you talk to? If you were the Annie from the magazine, what advice would you give to Sarah? Do you know how to make friends? Let’s read a passage and do some exercise. (word)

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