
三年级上册 Unit 3 My friends 第一课时 同步练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:72次 大小:173775Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 译林英语 三上U3第一课时练习 一、读一读,用He或She 填空。 1. is Helen. 3. is Miss Li. 5. is Su Hai. 2. is Mike. 4. is Liu Tao. 6. is Wang Bing 二、选出每组中不同类的一项。 ( )1. A. friend B. Mike C. Su Hai ( )2.A. he B. my C. she ( )3. A. Tina B. sister C. Bobby ( )4. A. I’m B.he C. you ( )5. A. good morning B. good afternoon C. goodbye 三、单项选择。 ( )1. – Goodbye, Miss Li. -- . A. Goodbye, Miss Li. B. Goodbye, class. ( )2. is Mike. A. He B. She ( )3. is Yang Ling. A. He B. She ( )4. my friend. A. She B.She’s ( )5. This is Miss Wang. my teacher. A. She’s B. He’s ( )6. Hello, Mike. This is friend. A.I B. my ( )7. Goodbye, Chen. A. miss B.Miss ( )8. I Betty. She Amy. A. am, are B.is, is C. am, is ( )9. is Mike. is my friend. A. She, I B.He, He C. She, She ( )10. is Su Hai. is my friend. A. She, She B.He, She C. She, He 四、情景选择。 ( )1.你指着刘涛,告诉妈妈他是你的朋友,可以说: A. He’s Liu Tao. He’s my friend. B. No, I’m not. I’m Liu Tao. ( )2.你指着一个女孩,告诉爸爸她是你的朋友,可以说: A. He’s my friend. B. She’s my friend. ( )3.同学们向老师告别时,可以说: A. Hello. B. Goodbye. ( )4.老师上午上课时,跟同学们打招呼,可以说: A. Good morning, class. B. Goodbye, class. ( )5.当你早晨见到老师时,可以说: A. Good afternoon, Mike. B. Good morning, Miss Li. C. Hello, Miss Li. ( )6.下午老师上课时,会说: A. Good afternoon, Yang Ling. B. Good morning, class. C. Good afternoon, class. ( )7. 以下哪种说法不可以用在上午: A. Hello, Yang Ling. B. Good morning, class. C. Good afternoon, class. ( )8. 放学回家时,你会对老师和同学说: A. Hello. B.Goodbye. C. Good afternoon. ( )9. 你想知道对方是不是杨玲时,你会问: A Are you Yang Ling? B. I’m Yang Ling. ( )10.你想告诉刘涛,你是迈克。你会说: A. Hello, I’m Mike. B. Hi, Mike. 五、将下列句子排序。 A. Good morning, Liu Tao. B. This is my friend, Helen. C.Nice to meet you, Helen. D. Good morning, Yang Ling. E.Nice to meet you too. D 六、选词填空 my, I, you, She, He 1. am Miss Li.I’m your new(新的)teacher(老师). 2. is Lucy. She’s friend. 3. This is Tim. is my brother. 4. Are Miss Wang? --Yes, am. 七、连词成句。 1. friend, my, too, He, is (.) 2. is, Yang Ling, She(.) 3. Tina, is, This(.) 4. John, you, Are(?) 5. I’m, No, not(,.) 6. sister, is, She, my (.) 答案 一、读一读,用He或She 填空。 1. He is Helen. 3. She is Miss Li. 5.She is Su Hai. 2. He is Mike. 4. He is Liu Tao. 6. He is Wang Bing 二、选出每组中不同类的一项。 ( A )1. A. friend B. Mike C. Su Hai ( B )2.A. he B. my C. she ( B )3. A. Tina B. sister C. Bobby ( A )4. A. I’m B.he C. you ( C )5. A. good morning B. good afternoon C. goodbye 三、单项选择。 ( A )1. – Goodbye, Miss Li. -- . A. Goodbye, Miss Li. B. Goodbye, class. ( A )2. is Mike. A. He B. She ( B )3. is Yang Ling. A. He B. She ( B )4. my friend. A. She B.She’s ( A )5. This is Miss Wang. my teacher. A. She’s B. He’s ( B )6. Hello, Mike. This is friend. A.I B. my ( B )7. Goodb ... ...

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