
Unit 2 This is my sister. Section B (1a-1d)课件(19张PPT 有音频文件)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:68次 大小:6293865Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    人教版七年级上册 Unit2 This is my sister. SectionB(1a-1d) 学习目标; 1) 能掌握对家庭成员称呼的词汇:son, daughter, cousin, grandpa, grandma, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, 以及here, of, photo, next, picture, girl, dog等。 2)能正确理解家庭成员之间的关系,对家庭成员能正确称呼。 3)进一步学习一些英语名字,并能分辨出名字的不同性别。 4)通过听、说、读的训练,提高学生们综合运用英语的能力,培养学生们学习英语的兴趣,并在学习中体会到学习英语的乐趣。 1. sister (复数) _____ 2. parent (复数) _____ 3. this (复数) _____ 4. those (单数) _____ 5. it (复数) _____ 6. 谁;什么人 _____ sisters parents these that they who 按要求写出下列单词或句子。 7. 过得愉快!_____ 8. 那是我的家人。_____ 9. 这是我的朋友简。_____ 10. 那是你的祖父母吗?_____ 11. 她是谁?_____ Have a good day! That’s my family. This is my friend, Jane. Are those your grandparents? Who’s she? father/ dad mother/ mum son daughter I’m a girl. (女孩) sister brother grandpa grandma dad mum I uncle叔叔 aunt婶婶 cousin堂妹 Fill in the blanks.(填空) 1. Lucy is my sister. She is her father’s _____. 2. Jim is his father’s ____. 3. My father’s sister is my _____ . 4. Kate’s father’s brother is her _____. 5. Tim’s father is my uncle, so Tim is my _____. 6. His parents are his _____ and _____. 7. My grandparents are my _____ and_____. daughter son aunt uncle cousin father mother grandfather grandmother 8. My father has no brothers, so I don’t have an _____. 9. My father has two sisters, and I have two _____. 10. I am the only child of my _____. I have no _____ or _____. uncle aunts family brothers sisters (_____) dad (1) (2) daughter (brother) uncle (3) (_____) daughter (_____) (4) (5) grandma mom aunt sister son cousin grandpa sister son cousin grandpa mom aunt 1a Add the words in the box to the family tree. grandpa __ grandma __ cousin __ dad __ mom __ uncle ___ aunt ___ brother __ sister ___ friends ___ √ √ √ √ √ √ 1b Listen and check (√) the words you hear. 1c Listen again. Which picture are Jiang Tao and Tom talking about? Jiang Tao: This is a _____ of my family. This is my _____. Tom: Who’s he? Jiang Tao: He’s my _____. Tom: And __ she your _____? Tao: Yes, _____ my cousin, Jiang Shan. And _____ her friends. Tom: Who’re they? Jiang Tao: They’re my _____ and _____. photo aunt uncle Is cousin she’s these are grandpa grandma Listen again and fill in the blanks. cousin n.堂兄(弟、姊、妹);表兄(弟、姑、妹) cousin是名词,意思相当多,表示与自己同辈的男性亲属或女性亲属,意为“堂兄(弟、姊、妹);表兄;(弟、姊、妹)”。其复数形式为cousins。 She is my cousin.她是我的堂(表)姐(妹)。 用法详解 典例 —Oh, a nice photo! Is this your uncle's child? —Yes, it is my_____ A.cousin B.sister C.brother D.daughter 解析:叔叔的孩子是“我”的堂兄(弟、姊、妹)。 aunt n.姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母 2 aunt有很多词义,指父母那一辈的除母亲以外的所有女性长辈,相当于汉语中“姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母 ”。 My aunt is very beautiful.我姑妈很漂亮。 用法详解 uncle n.舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父 用法详解 uncle有很多 ... ...

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