
Unit 5 Buying and Selling Lesson 30 A Cookie Sale 课件(16张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:33次 大小:304540Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件16张PPT。1. What event or activity from school term is most memorable to you? 2. What did you do before helping someone? Think About It Warm-upcrazy adj.疯狂的 baker n. 面包师傅 sell out of 一售而空 less than 少于 Words and phrases:crazy adj.疯狂的 Check words: baker n. 面包师傅 Check words: 1.David wants to _____ out of all the cakes which he made today.(sell) 2. He spent _____ one hour finishing his homework. (less than) 3. Tom wants to be a _____ when he grows up.(baker) 4. Bob was_____ about English when he was ten years old. (crazy) Check words:sellless thanbakercrazyListen to the lesson and match. How do they raise money? ① Jenny _____ A: sell cookies ② Danny_____ B: make a poster ③ Brian_____ C: sell the Danny Desk- Cycle Listening:CAB Read and Answer Read the second letter and answer the following questions. 1. Every year their school _____ books ___ another school in a village. 2. How can they make money this year? _____ 3.What will they do with these money which are raised by opening a shop? _____ sends They can open a shop.To buy more books to Language points 1. sell out of 一售而空 He wants to sell out of every watch. 他想要售出所以得手表。 Language points 2. less than 少于;反义词组:more than 多于;超过 We spent less than two hours finishing the task. 我们用了不到2个小时完成这项任务。 Language points 3. too... to... 太……而不能…… We went too late to catch the train. 我们去的太迟了,没能赶上那趟火车。 Language points 【拓展】too... to... 结构与其他句型的转换 1》与so... that... 转换,that后的句子应为否定形式。 The article is too difficult for me to understand. = The article is so difficult that I can’t understand. 这篇文章太难了,我理解不了。 Language points 2》与 not ... enough to ...转换,转换时需注意too后的 形容词和enough前的形容词应互为反义词。 My son is too young to join the army. = My son isn't old enough to join the army. 我儿子太小,不能去参军。 Discussion What can you do to help students in difficulty? You have four tasks to choose. Task 1 Discuss it with your partner and make a dialogue about it. Task 2 Write some tips about how to help students in another school. Then make a report. Discussion Task 3 Have you ever helped others before? Share it with others. Task 4 Suppose you are the headmaster in our school, what will you do to call for students to help students in another school? HomeworkHow to help students in another school? Write a composition about it.

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