
Unit 7 Are you going away for the holiday? Lesson 26 课件 (共17张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:70次 大小:1637043Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件17张PPT。UNIT SEVEN ARE YOU GOING AWAY FOR THE HOLIDAY Lesson 26reviewHe rides his bike to school. =He gets to school on his bike. =He gets to school by bike.How does he get to school?She will walk to the park. =She will go to the park on foot.How will she go to the park?learnWwinterswimwindowstrawberry草莓 subway地铁 sweater毛衣 draw动词 画 brown棕色的 crowd人群 William knows where to borrow some wires. Mr White will draw a brown sweater for the winter.威廉知道借电线的地方。 瓦特先生为冬天画了一件棕色毛衣。sum upHow 的问句总结A: How do you get to school? B: Well, I usually walk but sometimes I take the bus. A: How long does it take? B: It takes about 25 minutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus. Hangzhou is famous for its lakes. 杭州以湖闻名。 Beijing is famous for its Forbidden city. 北京以故宫闻名。 Beijing is famous for its Beijing duck. 北京以北京烤鸭闻名。 Homework背诵课文 完成课后练习感谢关注

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