
Unit 3 A day out 第五课时 Study Skills (课件+教案+练习)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:30次 大小:4251956Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    译林版英语八年级Unit3第5课时教学设计 课题 Unit3 Study Skills 单元 Unit 3 学科 英语 年级 八年级 学习 目标 知识与技能目标:1.Add –ful or –less to some nouns to form adjectives 2.Try to use correct adjectives 3.Describe things by using correct forms 过程与方法目标:1. learn to new words by derivation 2.use the correct forms of words by context 情感态度与价值观目标:Learn to express one’s feelings by using adjectives 重点 Add –ful or –less to some nouns to form adjectives 难点 Describe things by using correct forms 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Step1 What do you think of this picture? (tip: wonder, color, hope) 描述对图片的感受 引出wonderful, colorful, hopeful三个单词 讲授新课 Step1 look at the three words and find the same point wonderful, colorful, hopeful suffixes: will change the characteristic of a word, it is one method of morphemes 举例说明:noun +suffix=adjective -ful: means “full of, having, giving” (充满…的;有…性质的) -less: means “without, not giving” (没有) Note: not all words have both –ful and –less as suffixes Activity Speak out the new words and meaning when you see the original words 1)pain peace skill hope beauty painful痛苦的 peaceful和平的 skillful熟练的 hopeful有希望的 beautiful美丽的 (2)speech job home price rain speechless无言的 jobless无业的 homeless无家可归的 priceless无价的 rainless无雨的 Exercise ①Add –ful or –less to a word and then make sentences. Success, thank, skill, child, end ②Fill in the blanks with the correct forms. ③make a story with the adjective you have learn today Addition 形容词后缀 -y windy, rainy, snowy, cloudy, sunny -ish foolish, childish -some handsome, troublesome -ous dangerous, humorous -al national, natural, traditional 三种常用的构词法: 1.合成(compound):将两个或两个以上的词构成一个新词。 class +room=classroom; black +board= blackboard waiting +room=waiting-room; sleep +walker=sleepwalker; out +put=output; day +dream= daydream; good+ look= good-looking; father +in+ law=father-in-law 2.派生(derivation):通过加前缀后或缀构成一个新词。 前缀(prefix): 一般只改变词义,不改变词性。 常见前缀:un-, dis-, en-, re-… un +happy=unhappy; dis +like= dislike; en +danger=endanger; re +write=rewrite 后缀(suffix):一般只改变词性,不改变词义。 常见后缀:-ful, -less, -ly, -ion, -er… care +ful=careful; hope +less=hopeless; beautiful +ly=beautifully; act +ion=action; work +er=worker 3. 转化(conversion):词性发生变化,词义大体不变。 book(书) n.- book(预定) v. water(水) n.-water(浇水) v. seat(座位) n.-seat(就座) v. dirty(脏的) adj.-dirty(弄脏) v. Homework: Finish the exercise book. Write a composition about your trip with –ful and –less. 找出三个单词相同部分 记忆后缀 说出课本P39 表格中单词含义 完成课本P39A部分练习,一起校对答案; 完成B部分练习并翻译 课堂练习 学生摘录在笔记本上 了解常用构词法 引出后缀 学会-ful, -less两个后缀 立即检测是否记住-ful以及-less 学会活学活用-ful以及-less 巩固所学知识 学会构成法—派生 了解常用构词法,掌握记忆单词的新方法 课堂小结 本堂课教学目标是掌握一个语 ... ...

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