
Unit 3 Festivals 表格式教案(4个课时)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:95次 大小:24144Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(六)年级(上)册(英语)集体备课个案 备课时间 10.1 主 备 人 主 备 人 所在单位 复备时间 10.8 授课教师 授课教师 所在单位 课???题 Unit3 Festivals(Part1) 课??型 新授 课时分配 共4课时 第1?课时 上课时间 ?10. 教 ? 学 ? 目 ? 标 知?识 能?力 1)Understand?customs?and?traditions?of? Mid-Autumn?Festival 2)Understand?customs?and?traditions?of? Thanksgiving 3)To?understand?the?similarities?and? differences?between?the?two?festivals 过?程 方?法 能通过阅读、在老师指导下听懂,理解故事。 情 感 态 度 价值观 了解中西方文化差异,知晓节日的习俗。 教学重点 To?understand?the?similarities?and?differences? between?the?two?festivals. 教学难点 Understand?two?texts 教具学具 准备 Cassette?recorder,??PPT ? 教?????学?????流????程 ? 教???师???活???动 预设学生活动 教 学 环 节 Step1:Warm-up? Talk about the festivals in China with the pupils. Step2:Presentation 1)Use?PPT?to?show festival? pictures.They?are?some? pictures about?the?Spring? Festival/the?Lantern?Festival/and the Mid-Autumn Festival etc.2)Let students look at the? picture in?the?PPT?and? recognize the food and name? what they are. 3)Lead them to read the text? by themselves. 4)Let students underline the? new?words?on?their?books. 5)Complete?the following form: festival time do ? ? ? ? ? ? Step3?Practice 1)Let students follow the tape to?read?sentences?by sentences. 2)Fill in the blanks. ? Step4?Consolidation Retell about the two festivals“ Mid-Autumn”and “ thanksgiving”. Step5?Ending Know more about festivals in the wor Homework: Read more and write about the festivals. Talk?about?the festivals in China.? ? ? Say about the festivals.? ? ? ? Students?try to? understand the test by listening to the tape recorder. Students try to read? the text loudly and fluently. Talk about two? Festivals in pairs. ? ? Talk?about?their? Forms?in?groups. Read more. Work in groups. Retell the text. 板书设计 Unit3 Festivals(Part1) festival time do ??????????? 教学反思 设计巧妙,方法多样,指导到位,注重实践,学以致用。 (六)年级(上)册英语学科集体备课个案 备课时间 10.4 主 备 人 主 备 人 所在单位 复备时间 10.5 授课教师 授课教师 所在单位 课 题 Unit3 Part2 P60-2 课 型 新授 课时分配 共4课时 第2课时 上课时间 10.23 教 学 目 标 知 识 能 力 1.Students can read and understand the story. 2. Master the main words and sentences and use freely. 过 程 方 法 Listen and read, ask and answer, say “T”or”F”, retell. 情 感态 度 价值观 了解更多关于感恩节的故事,并懂得感恩。 教学重点 learn:the May flower, land, America,look for,native, hunt for wild turkey,plant corn, call. Retell the story. 教学难点 Use the main words and sentences freely. 教具学具 准备 ppt,recorder 教 学 流 程 教 师 活 动 预设学生活动 StepI Warm-up Greetings. Let students find their form of festivals. Say freely. 教 学 环 节 StepII Presentation Show and learn:the May flower, land, America,look for,native, hunt for wild turkey,plant corn, call. Listen to the tape and try to understand the story without any help. Ask and answer. 4.Say True or false. 1)In 1720 the Mayflower lands in A ... ...

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