
Unit 5 Educational exchanges Getting ready & Reading (1) 课件(17张PPT)+教案

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:21次 大小:14176803Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    课题 Educational exchanges 课型 ReadingⅠ 授课人 教材分析 教学目标 1. Students get the main idea of the reading text. 2. Students reading ability is trained. 3. Students knew more about the exchange visits. 教学重点 The students get the information of the text. 教学难点 The reading ability-Skimming and scanning is trained. 教学关键 Train the reading ability by finishing tasks. 教学环节 主要教学步骤或内容 学生主体活动 教师活动 设计意图 时间 第一环节 复习回顾平移的基本性质,引入课题 Step1.Lead-in. Show students some pictures about educational exchange. 1.Take a look of those pictures, know more about what is educational exchange. 1.Present the pictures. Introduce the interesting points of these pictures. 1.Help students know more about the teachers and students. Besides, lead them to get interested in the educational exchange. 5’ 第二环节 观察操作、探索归纳平移的作法 Step 2 Reading Pre –reading Watch an video and learn the new words While –reading Task –learning Self –study and cooperation Post –reading Group work 2. Watch the video and answers to learn the new words in this unit . 3.Teamwork with group members to write down the plan how to welcome the foreign friends. Then have a speech. 4. Listen to the material and fill in the blanks. 5.Scaming and scanning the text .Then finish the exercise. 2.Guide the students to watch the video. 3.Show the task and provide some examples for students to make their plans. 4.Give them directions and explanations on the task learning . Walk around to organize their study. 5.Play the Tape and show the graph for students. 6.Guide students to finish the last exercise. 2.Train their ability of listening and reading. 3.Train them to think themselves and speak out loud. 4.Cultivate the students ability of speaking and creating. 10’ 第三环节 课时小结 Step 3 Summary 6.Try to make a summary of the whole class. 7.Present the blackboard design for them to make a summary . 5.Help them to grasp what they learn in this class. 5’ 第五环节 课后作业 Listen to the recording of the text and read after it until you can read it frequently . 5’ 课 堂 教 学 流 程 Lead in →Reading →Task→ Exercise →Homework. 效 果 评 价 与 反 思 效果评价:本次课程与所教学班级的实际情况学习生活情况贴近,让学生对话题的熟悉度高,学习热情也高,能够较好地调动学生的学习积极性。课程中应用了微视频的方式,再现学生与老师的课余对话,使得课堂更加生活化,将口语带入到生活中,学生更好地融入了学习氛围。 反思:在初中的英语教学中,如果能够让课堂更多地加入生活中的片段,让学生更多地做学习课堂的主人,这样能够大大地培养学生的英语学习习惯和兴趣,也才是引导学生自觉学好英语的正确方式。 课件17张PPT。Unit 5Module 3 Culture and historyPeriod 1Getting ready Reading (1)Educational exchangesWe went to Hong Kong last year.We do some activities together.Debate ContestEducational exchangeGetting ready1You have been to Hong Kong , right? What did you do there? What do you think of this visit? What have you learned there? How do you feel of the people in Hong Kong? Watch the ... ...

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