

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:62次 大小:11478Byte 来源:二一课件通
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科普版小学四年级英语期中调研测试 请按字母表顺序写出26个字母的大小写。(共20分) 二、根据音标写单词,并将对应图片的序号写在括号里。(10分) /kl ?k/ /pensl/ /k?p/ /desk/ /h i l/ ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1、小山 2、茶杯 3、桌子 4、铅笔 5、钟表 三、看图,写单词。(5分) 树 钢笔 小鸟 书本 三 四、英汉互译。(10分) 1、我会游泳。 2、Is this your bag? 3、She`s my mother. 4、床上是什么? 5、Let`s see a doctor. 五、情景反应。(10分) ( )1、Tom 问这个铅笔盒是你的吗?他会说: A、Is this your pencil-box? B、Can you swim. ( )2、你想和朋友一起出去玩,你会说: A、We are friend . B、Let`s play a game ,OK? ( )3、当你想知道Eve的妈妈是不是医生,你会说: A、Is your mother a doctor? B、Who is he?. ( )4、你想告诉别人这是你的书,你会说: A、This is my book. B、Is this your book? ( )5、你想问别人看到了什么,你会说: A、Can you see a cow? B、What can you see? 六、选出与提示相符的句子,将其标号填入题前括号内。(10分) ( )1、一头猪 A、Yes, it is . B、Yes , I can. C、It`s a pig. D、No, I can`t. ( )2、三只狗 A、OK . B、Yes , I can. C、No, I can`t. D、Three dogs. ( )3、一棵树 A、I can see a tree. B、Green. C、Yes , I can. D、I can see a cat. ( )4、一只羊 A、I can see a ship. B、I can see a white sheep. C、I can see a white ship. D、I can see a bee. ( )5、在看书 A、I can read books. B、I can swim. C、I can bend my knee. D、I can climb the tree. 七、把问句与正确答语连一连。(10分) Are you a nurse? Yes, I can . Can you see a goat? Yes, it is . Who is he? Yes, I am. Is this your cup? Three. How many cats can you see? He is my dad. 八、补全对话(10分)将下列单词对号入座。 too mother Hello friend is to Glad Little Yes Look Panda: ,Monkey! Monkey: Hello, Panda! Panda: !This my family. Monkey: Is this your ? Panda: . Mother, this is my Monkey! Monkey: to meet you . Mother: Glad meet you , . 九、连词成句。(10分) 1、 is doctor who the ? 2、 duck you a see can ? 3、 a I ride can bike . 4、 you book can in see what the ? 5、 a family have you happy . 十、 根据图示回答或提问。(5分) 1、 What`s on the desk? 2、 A Watch.

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