
Unit5 Action Writing 课件(16张PPT)+教案

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:55次 大小:1237925Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit5 Action Writing 教案 本节与上节相关性分析: 本单元以“电视节目录制”为话题,以电视为代表的娱乐方式为主线。 本课是Unit5 Action的写作内容,本单元是关于电视台参加竞赛节目内容的,写作内容为撰写节目的主持稿,但本课内容为拓展部分,作选学要求。 学情分析: 作为九年级的学生有了一定的英语表达基础。本节课的话题比较有趣,学生有较强的表达欲望。本班学生英语基础不错,全班学生英语水平比较平均,部分学生比较活跃,上课气氛较好。而本课内容为拓展内容,因此设计主要以小组为单位进行学习撰写主持稿,符合学生的认知水平。 教学目标: 认知目标: 认识单词script, host, hostess, contestant, contest 2. 能力发展目标: 1)能读懂主持稿 2)能够学会主持稿的结构、句型。 3).能模仿范文,撰写一份主持稿。 3. 情感目标:通过小组活动谈论主持稿撰写等形式,培养学生的合作意识。 4. 学习策略目标:培养学生积极思考,主动探究,善于发现规律的能力。 5. 文化意识目标:理解主持稿的使用场合,学会得体地使用语言。 6. 教学重点: 1)学习主持稿的结构; 2)完成主持稿的撰写。 7.教学难点: 如何使主持稿主题突出、首尾呼应。 8. 教学流程设计: Phase Specific aims Teacher activity Student activity Skills involved Pre-writing To prepare the students for what they are going to write. 1. Warm-up 1) Show some pictures to Ss. 2) Play a video to attract Ss’ interest. 1. Guess the host of some popular show. 2. Watch a video to observe host’s performance. 2. Let Ss know the task of this lesson Read the tasks. To train the students to sum up the structure and sentence patterns of the sample writing. 3. To get students to read the sample writing, sum up the structure and sentence pattern of it. 1. Discuss in groups to learn the structure and sentence pattern of the sample writing. 2. Sum up the structure and sentence pattern. Recognizing and Deducing according to the sample writing While-writing To set a real situation for students to write a script for hosting a show. 1. To introduce the task of the writing -- the best host. To know the rules of the competition 2. To get students to create a show in groups. At first, give some samples to students. 3. To get students to write a script in groups To design a show in groups and write a script for hosting the show; Creativity and Co-operation of learning to write a script post- writing To help students to improve their script 1. To correct some students’ writing and make some comments about them in person. To improve the writing, To help students to show the speech output. 2. To get students to show their script in class. A few students show the script as a host / hostess. Oral English practice 3. To get other students to judge the script by some standards To vote for the best host. To let students consolidate the content of this lesson. 4. To summarize the structure and sentence pattern of a script. To fill in the blanks to complete the summary. Extracting salient points to summarize the writing. Assig n-ment To train the students to write another script on their own. To ask students to write another script To extend the ability of writing a script Writing. 板书设计 Unit 5 ... ...

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