
Unit 2 Saving the earth.单元测试周练(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:346611Byte 来源:二一课件通
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九年级英语上学期第一次周考 班级_____ 姓名_____ 一.单项选择 ( )1.—What a nice classroom! —It _____ every day. is cleaning B.must clean C.is cleaned ( )2.It is _____ that every student must go to school on time. A.cleared B.clear C.clearly ( )3.Teachers should _____ their students to practice _____ English as much as possible. A.encourage, speaking B.let, speak C.make, speak ( )4.If you have a chance _____ in a university, you shouldn’t give it up. study B.studying C.to study ( )5.I bought a T-shirt yesterday. It was similar_____yours. A.for B.to C.of ( )6._____, I must try my best to study English. On purpose B.From now on C.After all ( )7.English is spoken____a foreign language in America. for B.with C.as ( )8.Some beautiful flowers_____by my grandmother everyday. planted B.are planting C.are planted ( )9.I have much difficulty_____with people when I am in Russia. communicated B.to communicate C.communicating B. ( )10.I am going to Shanghai for vacation tomorrow. --_____ Well done. B.Have a good trip. C.Congratulation. 完形填空 “Sorry is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life as well as in China. I was once in London 1 business for one week.One day while I was walking on the street, a young man ran by in a 2 , brushing(轻擦) against my handbag.He continued his 3 ,but turned back and said “sorry”to me.Even in a hurry,he didn’t 4 to say “sorry”. The next day, after I bought some bananas, the shopkeeper(店主)was passing me the 5 . But I wasn't 6 it and a coin dropped onto the ground. “ Sorry, Madam, "he said with bending( 弯腰)to 7 it up. I was surprised why he said"Sorry"to me. Another time, I 8 on a man's foot in a cinema. At the same time, we both said "Sorry”. Slowly, I got to 9 that when something unpleasant happens in daily life, the British((英国人)don't 10 much about who is wrong.If someone is in trouble, a"sorry" is always necessary. Perhaps that's why I seldom see people quarrel(争吵) on the buses or streets in Britain. ( )1.A.on B.to C.in ( )2.A.while B. minute C.hurry ( )3. A talk B.way C.reading ( )4.A.forget B.refuse C.believe ( )5. A.bananas B.change C.bag ( )6. A pleased with B ready for C. proud of ( )7. A. put B. get C. pick ( )8. A touched B. found C.stepped ( )9. A understand B.agree C. notice ( )10.A know B. care C. choose 阅读理解 (A) Can you understand the following words? “Good good study, day day up.” “I like your smile,but dislike you put your shoes on my face.” Yes, we call these examples Chinglish, like"people mountain, people sea". Chinglish usually means English vocabulary(词汇) with Chinese grammar(语法) on street signs or products. However, many English speaking tourists love them. Tom has been living in Beijing for years. "I think many Chinese people dislike Chinglish. But I love it. It's quite interesting. I think if the translations (翻译)of English in China are all perfect, something will be lost from Chinese culture.” However,Chinglish will probably become a part of histo ... ...

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