
Unit4Keeping clean 第五课时 教案+课件+练习

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:28次 大小:179388154Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    开心版英语六年级第四单元第五课时教学设计 课题 Keeping clean 单元 Unit4 学科 English 年级 Six 学习 目标 To know the contents of the more reading and writing; To finish the following exercise correctly; To know the more education about the importance of the environments; 重点 To know the contents of the more reading and writing; 难点 To repeat the contents with your own words and the moral education; 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 5’ Greetings with the students; Review the former contents; Enjoy the video about the changes of London;(what did you see from the video?) ; Greetings each other Review the contents; Enjoy the video about London and answer the question; 师生相互问好,通过复习--观看London的变化视频,为后面的学习打下伏笔; 讲授新课 15’ Presentation: Learn the new words with the pictures from the video; B: New words: air, side by side, London bridge, Thames River. Learn the key sentences according to the pictures; Learn the passage: Find the new words in the passage; Read and fill in the blanks in groups; old now 1.air 2.Street 3.Thames River 4.London Bridge 1.Students learn the new words with the help of the pictures (reading and writing and sounds) A&B Students learn the key words and sentences; 2.Students learn the passage in different ways(find the new words and fill in the blanks in groups) (group work rules: Four in group, each students finishes one passage and check the answers in groups and make a small report 在新课呈现阶段,采用视频中的场景来开展,先对视频中的生词进行学习air,side by side, London Bridge, Thames River,其中穿插两个London景点的介绍,扩大学生的国际视野和跨文化意义;学生在自读文章中找出新词; 通过小组活动的方式来完成表格内容,并用自己的话进行简单的小组活动报告;培养小组合作意识; 巩固练习 15’ Listen to the passage and repeat it by themselves; Read the passage in different ways; Repeat the passage according to the Board-writing ; Read again and answer the following questions; Finish the exercise 3 at the page 55; Use the similar passage to be an additional reading; and underline the changes; Students listen and repeat the passage; Read the passage in different ways and check it ; Students recall the passage in groups; Students finish the questions and check; Students finish it and show the answers; Students read the additional reading and find the changes; 在巩固环节,采用听录音--复述内容--用不同方式读文章--根据板书复述文章--读文章完成两道习题,以及再次阅读相相似文章来加以巩固;每个环节由浅入深,内容层层递增,使学生对内容了解更透彻; 课堂小结 5’ To protect the city ,to protect the earth; 学生通过板书对文本进行回顾并挖掘思想意义; 板书 Unit 4 Keeping clean --More reading and writing Old London and London today old new air/sky dirty clean/clear, sunny buildings old new/beautiful Thames River small boats Lights bright/big ships London Bridge Tall ships 课件26张PPT。Unit 4 Keeping cleanthe fifth period--More reading and writing广东开心版 六年级上Sharp eyes : Read quicklywarm coolclean dirtywet dry ... ...

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