

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:57次 大小:34150Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    江苏省江阴高新区山观实验中学2018-2019学年七年级英语上学期10月月考试题 第I卷 (客观题 共60分) 一、听力测试(本大题共20分,每小题1分) (一)根据你所听到的内容,选择正确的选项。(本部分共5分,每小题0.5分) ( )1.A. /i:/ B. /Λ/ C./e/ ( )2.A. /?u/ B./ju:/ C./u?/ ( )3.A. grey B.glad C. grade ( )4.A. member B.number C. December ( )5.A. sure B.sugar C. shoe ( )6.A.9:45 B.9:15 C. 8:45 ( )7.A.a toy train B. A top student C.a true story ( )8.A. have bread for breakfast B.have eggs for breakfast C.have noodles for lunch ( )9.A. Here comes the bus. B.Here is your photo. C.Here is your packet. ( )10.A.How is your school? B.How do you go to school? C.How far is your school? (二)根据听到的句子,选择答语。(本部分共5分,每小题1分) ( ) 11. A. Fine .Thanks . B. I am 12. C. I am old. ( ) 12. A. My name is Kate. B. I’m sorry. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 13. A Yes, I am. B. Yes, I can. C. Yes, I do. ( ) 14. A. He is my favourite basketball player. B. He is tall. C. He is at school. ( ) 15.A. Hello. B. Sorry, I’m not. C. Good. (三)根据你所听到的对话,选择正确答案。(本部分共5分,每小题1分) ( )16. What does Cindy like doing? A. Swimming. B. Watching TV. C. Playing computer games. ( )17. What does the man do on Sunday morning? A. He has lessons at school. B. He stays at home. C. He does sports in the park. ( )18. What is Tom good at? A. Playing basketball. B. Playing football. C.playing volleyball. ( )19. What does Daniel look like? A. He is tall and thin. B. He is short and fat. C. He is short and thin. ( )20. When is the Open Day? A. Today. B. Tomorrow. C. The day after tomorrow. (四)听短文,选择正确答案。(本部分共5分,每小题1分) ( ) 21. Peter is in _____ Middle School now. A. No. 5 B. No. 15 C. No. 50 ( ) 22. There are_____students in Peter’s class. A. 18 B. 16 C. 34 ( ) 23. Peter’s favourite subject is_____ at school. A. Maths B. English C. Geography ( ) 24. Miss Fang’s office is on_____ floor. A. the ground B. the second C. the third ( ) 25. Peter likes _____ with his friends after school. A. doing sports B. reading books C. studying English 二、单词辨音 (本大题共5分,每小题0.5分) ( ??)26.A.school? ??? B.foot? ?? ? C.food? ?? ? D.moon (?? )27.A.down? ?? ? B.grow? ?? ? C.town? ?? ? D.how (? ?)28.A.many? ?? ? B.animal? ?? ?C.stand? ?? D.hand (? ?)29.A.film? ??? B.like? ? C.wish? ??? D.think (? ?)30.A.her B.teacher C.father D.flower (?? )31.A.tall B.ball C.also D.all (?? )32.A.uncle B.orange C.student D.stand (?? )33.A.water? ? B.wash? ?? ? C.want? ??? D.watch ( )34.A.put B.excuse C.use D.computer ( )35.A.likes B.plays C.studies D.goes 三、单项填空 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(本大题共 14分,每小题1分) ( )36.Where _____he_____? Do you know? A.is; come from B.do; come from C.does; come from D.does; comes from ( )37.--What _____your mother_____? --She’s beautiful with bright eyes and long hair. A.is; look like B.does; like C.is; like D.are; like ( )38.Mary _____late for class. Now she is in the classroom. A.isn’t B.doesn’t C.doesn’t ... ...

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