
Unit 6 We’re watching the games Lesson 33 同步练习(3份 含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:57次 大小:25913Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    Unit 6 We’re watching the games. Lesson 33 同步练习 一. 写出下列单词和短语的中文意思。 Play football _____ Play with _____ Play ping-pang _____ Certainly _____ 二. 用所给的动词适当形式填空。 1.- We are ____ (play) ping-pang. 2.- What are they _____ (do)? 3.- They _____(be) playing badminton 4.- I _____(be)_____(play) tennis. 三.将单词按正确的顺序排列。 1.creaintyl____ 2.nniset_____ 3.lyap_____ 4.favroutie _____ 5.lkoo_____ 6.adbinmont_____ 四. 根据书中提供的内容写一段对话。 _____ _____ _____ 五. 英翻汉。 1. .Can I play it with you? _____ 2. This is my favourite sport. _____ 3. How about Miss Q. _____ 4. My father is playing badminton. _____ 六. 找出下列句中的错误。 1. Can I play it to you _____ 2. This are my favourite sport. _____ 3. My father are play ping-pang. _____ 4. My mother is playing the badminton. _____ 答案: 一. 写出下列单词和短语的中文意思。 踢足球 一起玩 3. 打乒乓球 4. 当然 二. 根据上下文填空。 1.- We are _playing___ (play) ping-pang. 2.- What are they __doing____ (do)? 3.- They ___are___(be) playing badminton 4.- I __am____(be)___playing___(play) tennis. 三.将单词按正确的顺序排列。 1.certainly 2.tennis 3.play 4.favourite 5.look 6.badminton 四. 根据提供的内容写一段话。 A: What is he / she doing? B: He / she is playing football. A: what are you dong? B: I am playing ping-pong. 五. 英翻汉。 1. 我能和你一起玩吗? 2. 这是我最喜欢的运动。 3. Q小姐在做什么呢? 4. 爸爸正在打羽毛球。 六. 找出下列句中的错误。 1. Can I play it to you, --Can I play it with you 2. This are my favourite sport. --This is my favourite sport 3. My father are play ping-pang. --My father is playing ping-pang. 4. My mother is playing the badminton. --My mother is playing badminton. Unit 6 We’re watching the games. Lesson 33 同步练习 一、翻译下列句子。 1.他们正在干什么? _____ 2.我们正在打羽毛球。 _____ 3.汤姆正在打网球。 _____ 4.你最喜欢的运动是什么? _____ 5.我能和你一起打吗? _____ 二、翻译下列单词。 1.favourite _____ 2.sport _____ 3.tennis _____ 4.badminton _____ 5.baseball _____ 三、将单词按正确的顺序排列。 1.ports_____ 2.lapy_____ 3.allb_____ 4.lkei_____ 5anc_____ 6.greta_____ 四、单项选择。 (?????)1.?What’s?wrong?_____?you?? ????????A.?from???????B.?with?????????C.?for???????D.?at ?(?????)2.?We’ll?come?to?your?house?_____?half?_____?hour. ? A.?on,?a?????????B.?in,?a????????C.?on,?an????????D.?in,?an ?(?????)3.?It’s?10?o’clock.?Ben?_____?TV?in?the?bedroom.? ????????A.?is?watching????B.?watch??????C.?watches?????D.?are?watching ?(?????)4.?–Is?this?T-shirt?_____???–?Yes,?it’s?_____? ????????A.?your,?mine?????B.?yours,?mine???C.?yours,?my????D.?your,?my ?( ?)5.?Swimming?in?the?sea?is_____than?swimming?in?a?pool.? ????????A.?excited?????B.?exciting?? C. more?exciting?? D.?the?most?exciting? 五、阅读理解。 My?parents My?parents?work?in?a?show?factory.?They?get?up?at?five?thirty.?They?first?get?breakfast?ready.?Then?they?go?to?work?by?bus.?They?work?there?from?eight?to?five.?They?come?home?at?about?six?and?prepare?supper?for?us.?Mother?washes?clothes?in?the ... ...

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