
Unit 2 There are forty students in our class Lesson 11 同步练习(3份 含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:15次 大小:475363Byte 来源:二一课件通
预览图 0
    Unit 2 There are forty students in our class Lesson 11 同步练习 写中文意思 pen_____ 6. ninety_____ pencil_____ 7. One hundred_____ bag_____ 8.student_____ book_____ 9.need_____ fifty_____ 10.school_____ 算一算 Fifty +Fifty= _____ Fifty + forty=_____ Thirty + sixty=_____ 三、连词成句。 1.doing,you,what,are (?) 2.mugs,am,the,I,washing (?) 3.kitchen,at,have,can,a,the,I,look (?) ? 4.you,what,for,I,can,do (?) ? ? ? 5.housework,can,for,some,you,do,me (?) 四、写出对应单词 1.球 2.书 3.你好 4.学校 答案 一、1.钢笔 2.铅笔 3.书包 4.书 5.50 6.90 7.100 8.学生 9.需要 10.学校 二、1.one hundred 2.ninety 3.ninety. 三、1.What are you doing? 2.I am washing the mugs. 3.Can I have a look at the kitchen? 4.What can I do for you ? 5.Can you do some housework for me? 四、1.ball 2.book 3.hello 4.school Unit 2 There are forty students in our class Lesson 11 同步练习 看图写单词 1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____ 二、算一算 1. Fifty +forty= 2. Seventy + thirty= 3. Sixty + thirty= 三、连一连。 1.sofa       ????????????????????????????????????A.in the kitchen 2.hamburger? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? B.in the living room 3.bed? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? C.on the wall 4.picture? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? D.in the bedroom 四、重新排列下列字母,使其组成新单词,并写出汉语意思。 1.deb       ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 2.ksed _____(    )? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? _____(    ) 3.ckea??  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 4.ebtal _____(    )? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? _____(    ) 5.boonlal??  ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 6.rcahi _____(    )? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? _____(    ) 7.rutcopem??  ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 8.rrambheug _____(    )? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? _____(    ) 9.oklcc??  ????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????? 10.lbal _____(    )? ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? _____(    ) 答案 一、1.pencil 2.pen 3.bag 4.book 5.one hundred 二、1.ninety 2.one hundred 3..ninety 三、1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 四、1.bed?床  2.desk书桌  3.cake蛋糕?4.table桌子? 5.balloon气球? 6.chair椅子 7.computer电脑 8.hamburger汉堡包?9.clock时钟? 10.ball球 ? Unit 2 There are forty students in our class Lesson 11 同步练习 一、英汉连线。 1.one hundred     ? A.90支钢笔 2.ninety pens? ??????????????????? B.一百 3.sixty pencils? ????????????????? C.多少 4.how many? ??????????????????????????? D.60支铅笔 二、算一算,选一选。(24分) A.one hundred   B.ninety???? C.eighty? D.seventy 1.forty+fifty=_____ 2.eighty+five×four=_____ 3.ninety-twe ... ...

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