
Unit 5 Theme parks Reading 课件28张PPT

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:44次 大小:17195520Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Where did you go during the Sanyuesan Festival What did you do A bicycle riding activity What do you do in a park go running go dancing go for a walk go bungee jumping go on a free fall drop go on a roller coaster roller coasters过山车 pirate ship 海盗船 bumper car碰碰车 bungee jumping 蹦极 free fall drops自由落体 Ferris wheel摩天轮 play with cartoons take pictures Disneyland is a kind of fantasy amusement theme park, do want to know about it Is there a park where we can find Snow White, Mickey Mouse, and Donald Duck? Can you guess what the text will talk about Theme parks-Fun and more than fun The passage mainly talks about _____. theme parks Step1: Pre-reading读前--预测 技巧一:通过标题 预测文章主题 做笔记啦! 1. Main idea: The text mainly introduces _____, which include different themes, and then it gives _____ examples including Disneyland, Dollywood, and Camelot Park. theme parks three Step2:Fast reading略读-- 整体感知 2. Match the main idea of each paragraph Para. 1 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 D. Different kinds of theme parks. B. England’s Camelot Park-the history theme park. A. Disneyland-the fantasy amusement park. C. Dollywood - the America's traditional culture park. the fantacy amusement park history theme park traditional culture park body文章主体 introduction总体介绍 Step2:Fast reading略读-- 整体感知 Name: Disneyland. Location: In . Theme: Fantasy amusenment. Activities: Step3: Careful reading寻读--提取信息 several parts of the world Read the Para 2 - 4 carefully in 5 minutes, and then fill in the blanks on your paper. Activities: ◆ Travel through . ◆ a pirate ship. ◆ fairy tale or Disney cartoon characters. ◆ Ride in a swinging . ◆ Go on a free-fall drop. Visit See Step3: Careful reading寻读--提取信息 ship space Name: Dollywood. Location: In the Smoky Mountains in ___ _____. Theme: _____ _____. the southeastern USA America’s traditional culture Step3: Careful reading寻读--提取信息 Activities: ◆ to country music. ◆ Watch craftsmen objects. ◆ the candy shop. ◆ a ride on the only steam-engine train. ◆ bald eagles. ◆ Ride on Thunderhead. Listen See Visit Take make Step3: Careful reading寻读--提取信息 Name: Camelot Park. Location: In _____. Theme: Ancient English history and stories. Activities: ◆ Watch magic . ◆ the jousting area. ◆ Visit the _____ area and learning about farms in ancient England. farm England shows Visit 技巧二:定位相关句子 提取关键信息 Step3: Careful reading寻读--提取信息 1. Tourism develops where a Disneyland is built. 2. Dollywood is in the mountains in the southeastern USA. 3. Visitors to Camelot Park can taste candy like the candy made in American South. True False □ □ √ □ □ × Step4:Post reading研读--深层理解 Listen to the tape of Reading and finish the exercise. □ □ √ Dollywood 4. Where do you think you would read this passage ( ) A. a novel B. biography(自传) C. A science report D. travel guide D 技巧三:把握全文, 判断文 ... ...

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