
Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show SectionB 1a-1e(课件+练习+素材)

日期:2024-05-01 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:17次 大小:21620360Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教新目标版 八年级上 Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show SectionB 1a-1e Quick response What kind of TV show is it a talent show news a game show a sports show a soap opera a sitcom a talk show Chain game A: What do you think of game shows B: I can't stand them. What do you think of soap operas C: I don't mind them.What do you think of... D:...... Make conversations with your group members.Which group has the quickest speed game shows soap operas news sports shows talk shows sitcoms talent shows entertainment watch TV see a movie music reading … talk shows, news, game shows… Pop music, rock music… cartoons, comedies, action movies… stories, novels… Brainstorm Watching kinds of TVshows is a way of entertainment. List more words related to the entertainment. Presentation Do you know the kinds of movies cartoon /kɑ:(r)'tu:n/动画片 Cartoons are enjoyable and funny for children. comedy / k m di/喜剧片 Comedies are often funny and relaxing. I like comedies.Because they are funny and relaxing. action movie 动作电影 Action movies are often exciting and educational. / ed u ke nl/ 有教育意义的 I love action movies.Because they are very exciting and educational. scary movie Scary movies are often scary and meaningless. / mi:n l s/ 没意义的 I can't stand scary movies.Because they are very scary and meaningless. Memory test sitcom educational comedy news sports show game show talent show Say the words and phrases quickly. talk show meaningless relaxing action movie scary movie scary cartoon Soap operas meaningless毫无意义的 反义词:meaningful 有意义的 His words seemed to be meaningless.他的话似乎没有任何意义。 meaningless是由名词“meaning意思;含义+后缀less”构成。less常用来构成形容词,表示“无……的,不能……”。 类似的词有:use+less→useless无用的, hope + less→hopeless无望的, care + less→careless粗心的, help + less→helpless无助的, end + less→endless没完没了的, home +less → homeless无家可归的。 enjoyable有趣的;其动词形式为enjoy“喜欢”。 Flying kites in the open air is far more enjoyable than playing chess.户外放风筝比玩象棋更加有趣。 类似的词有:comfort+able→comfortable舒适的, move + able→moveable可移动的, break + able→breakable易碎的, drink + able→可引用的, eat + able→eatable可食用的, love+able → loveable惹人爱的。 Comedy, comedy, I like comedies. Funny, funny, they are funny. Action movie, action movie, I like action movies. Exciting , exciting, they are exciting. Scary movie, scary movie, I don’t scary movies. Scary, scary, they are scary. News, news, I don’t like news. Boring , boring, they are boring. Chant time sitcom,news, talk show, soap opera, game show, sports show, talent show comedy,action movie,cartoon, scary movie... educational 有教育意义的 boring无聊的meaningless无意义的 serious严肃的, exciting刺激的,wonderful精彩的,relaxing放松的,enjoyable有趣的,famous著名的,successful成功的,fantastic极好的... TV shows Movies He likes to watch sports show beca ... ...

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