
Module7 Unit1 We fly kites in spring.课件 (共44张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:59次 大小:9575544Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件44张PPT。Module7 Unit1We fly kites in spring.Let’s sing and do.Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, how are you? Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, hello, how are you? I’m fine, I’m fine, thank you, thank you very much. I’m fine, I’m fine, thank you, thank you very much.Lucky Wheel 幸运大转盘规则:猜猜笑脸背后的图,如果你猜对,你就是幸运者。Lucky Wheel 幸运大转盘规则:猜猜笑脸背后的图,如果你猜对,你就是幸运者。Life lies in movement . 生命在于运动。season季节How many seasons?Time Machine 时光机谁在唱歌?It’s_____.springIt’s _____ in spring.warmkitesflyI fly kites in spring.We fly kites in spring.fly kitesWe _____ in spring.It’s _____.summermerfarmersummerIt’s summer.It’s ___ in summer.hotWe _____ in summer.go swimmingIt’s _____.autumnIt’s _____ in autumn.coolWe _____ in autumn.play footballwindowIt’s_____.winsisterterIt’s ____ in winter.coldWe _____ in winter.go skatingspring summer autumn winter cool cold warm hotLet’s match. Warm warm warm, spring is warm. Hot hot hot, summer is hot. Cool cool cool, autumn is cool. Cold cold cold, winter is cold.Let's chant!Let's chant! Warm warm warm, spring is warm. Hot hot hot, summer is hot. Cool cool cool, autumn is cool. Cold cold cold, winter is cold.Learn The Text.1. What do we do in spring?We _____ in spring.fly kites2. What do we do in winter?We_____ in winter. go skatingLearn The Text.Watch again and repeat. play footballsummer autumnplay basketball skipplay table tennisgo swimming fly kites go skating ride my bike spring spring spring autumn autumn autumn summer summer winter winter请同学们用气球上的单词完 成I…(做某事)in…(季节) 的句子。说对了,气球可 以飞起来哦!play footballgo swimmingplay table tennisplay basketballride a bike go skating fly kites 小组活动:2人1组,用以下句子谈论自己最喜爱的季节,并2人一起汇报。 I like _____. I _____ in _____. (四人一组,用英语谈论图片上的季节,并选出四人最喜爱的一项运动,贴在季节图片上。最后,全组成员用以下句子汇报讨论结果。)Group work!It’s _____. It’s _____ in _____. We _____ in _____.Homework1、Listen and repeat the text.(听录音,跟读课文。) 2、Draw a picture of your favourite season, talk about it next class. (画一幅你最喜欢的季节画,下节课介绍。)Goodbye!

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