
Unit 3 Will you do me a favour Lesson 11 同步练习(4份 含答案)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:57次 大小:244632Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    UNIT 3 WILL YOU DO ME A FAVOUR Lesson 11 习题 1 一、根据中文提示写出下列单词 1. 使用 _____ 2. 英语 _____ 3. 字典 _____ 4. 橡皮擦 _____ 5. 记号笔 _____ 二、翻译下列句子 1. 我可以用你的铅笔吗? _____ 2. 它们在我的书包里。 _____ 3. 你的东西在哪里? _____ 4. 请擦一下黑板。 _____ 答案: 一、1.use 2.English 3.dictionary 4.eraser 5.marker 二、1. Can I use your pencil? 2. They are in my bag. 3. Where is your thing? 4. Please clean the blackboard. UNIT 3 WILL YOU DO ME A FAVOUR Lesson 11 习题 2 一、将下列单词抄写两遍并在括号里写出其中文意思 glue( ) thing( ) use( ) Chinese( ) 二、连词成句 1. draw line a please . _____ 2. some glue can have I ? _____ 3. your at look kite can I ? _____ 4. your borrow can I pen ? _____ 答案: 一、1.胶 2.东西 3.使用 4.中文 二、1. Please draw a line. 2. Can I have some glue? 3. Can I look at your kite? 4. Can I borrow your pen? UNIT THREE WILL YOU DO ME A FAVOUR Lesson 11 同步练习 1 一、词图连线。 1. markers A. 2. a ping-pong bat B. 3. pencil sharpener C. 4. scissors D. 二、单项选择。 ( ) 1.— Can I _____ your English book? — Sure, of course. A. lend B. borrows C. borrow ( ) 2. What can I do for _____? A. mine B. my C. you ( ) 3.— Can I borrow your football? — Sure. I have two. You can _____. A. take one B. lend C. choose ( ) 4. Will you do me a _____? A. favour B. help C. lot 三、排序。 A. You are so kind. Thank you. B. Yes, will you do me a favour? C. Sure. Of course. D. Hi, you're lifting a heavy box! E. You are welcome. □→□→□→□→□ 四、英汉互译。 1.你能帮帮我吗? _____ 2. Can I take the red one? _____ 3. Can I borrow your bat? _____ 4.我能帮你做些什么? _____ 五、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)。 Today is Sunday! On Sundays, I usually play the violin, My mother usually cleans the house. But today my mother is in bed. She is ill. My father has to do the housework. Now, he is cleaning the house.“Sam, can you help me?”“Yes, Dad!” Now, we are washing the car. Where, is my sister? She is playing my violin. What a lucky girl! ( ) 1. I am playing my violin. ( ) 2. My father is ill. ( ) 3. I help my mother wash the car. ( ) 4. My sister is a lucky girl. 答案: 一、l—C 2—D 3—B 4—A 二、1. C 2. C 3. A 4. A 三、DBCAE 四、1. Will you do me a favour? 2.我能拿这个红色的吗? 3.我能借你的球拍吗? 4. What can I do for you? 五、1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T UNIT THREE WILL YOU DO ME A FAVOUR Lesson 11 同步练习 2 一、摘苹果,补全单词。 1. t____ke 2. bor____ow 3. fi____e 4. ba____ 5. shar____ener 6. ____avour 7. cra____on 8. ru____er 二、选出与所给单词或词组对应的图片。 ( ) 1. ping-pong bat A. ( ) 2. ruler B. ( ) 3. crayon C. ( ) 4. scissors D. ( ) 5. pencil sharpener E. 三、选出与所给单词同类的一项。 ( ) 1. borrow A. hold B. sure C. fine ( ) 2. two A. too B. five C. take ( ) 3. red A. course B. have C. blue ( ) 4. kind A. bat B. easy C. favour ( ) 5. ruler A. can B. would C. crayon 四、单项选择。 ( ) 1. Will you _____ me _____ favour? A. do, / B. take, a C. do, a ( ) 2.—_____ I borrow your new book, the Monkey King? —Yes, of course. A. Ca ... ...

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