
Unit 3 What would you like? PB Read and write 课件(共29张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:85次 大小:6729728Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Coke ice cream bread hot dogs French fries sandwiches hamburgers What’s your faourite food? salad My faourite food is ice cream. Ice cream is my favourite food. milk Coke juice What’s your favourite drink? tea coffee My favourite drink is is my favourite drink. milk A: What‘s your favourite food/drink? B: I love… It’s/ They’re …(味道) apples bananas fruits 水果 oranges I like fruits but not bananas. vegetables 蔬菜 I like vegetables but not green beans. Do you like bananas? No, I don’t like bananas. But apples are OK. Do you like beef? No, I don’t like beef. But chicken is OK. Robin is a robot. It’s a helpful robot.It can do many things.It can cook.Today Robin will cook.Wu Yifan and his grandpa each write a letter about what they want to eat.Let’s read the two letters and see. letter ?['let?] 书信,信件 each ?[i?t?] 每个;各自 letter 1.The letter is from _____ to _____ . 2.Yifan’s favourite food is _____. 3.Yifan’s favourite vegetable is _____ . Wu Yifan Robin ice cream onion 正文 结束语 署名 称呼 2._____ ['?nj?n] 信 Grandpa’s favourite food is _____. chicken _____ What’s grandpa’s favourite food? √ ___ [b??θ] ?两个的;两者的 What can Robin cook? How do they feel? They are surprised! It’s unexpected!(出乎意料的) Dear Robin, My favourite food is ice cream. It is sweet. Idon’t like beef but chicken is OK. Onions are my favourite vegetable. I like salad very much. Thank you! Yifan Dear Robin, My favourite food is chicken.It is delicious. I like vegetables but Not carrots. Thanks. Grandpa Here you are. Oh, no! What do you think of Robin? He can cook. He is helpful. He can’t use his head.(不会动脑经) He just a robot. He’s not a nice cook. What would you like to eat? Write to Robin pelase. Dear Robin, My favourite food is . It is . I don’t like but I like . Thank you. . Dear____ My favourite food is____. It is _____ I don’t like ___but I like ___. _____. Thank you! _____ pork chicken duck beef pepper tomatoes cabbages carrots celery onions potatoes mutton fish hot chicken beef Miss Hao ____ are (is) my favourite. They’re (It’s)_____. But I don’t like _____. They’re (It’s)_____. Fruit: apples, bananas, grapes, pears, oranges, strawberries, watermelons … Vegetables: potatoes, tomatoes, cabbages, green beans, onions, carrots, cucumbers, … Food: hamburgers, , hot dogs, cakes, French fries, noodles, pork, mutton, fish, beef, bread, soup, tofu, chicken, … Drink: water, coffee, milk, coke, tea, juice … Choose and say ( 选一选,说一说。) We must know: Balanced nutrition is good for health, especially for us. Because we are growing .Just for this, we should have a reasonable dining table. (人的身体需要各种营养,特别是同学们正处在成长的阶段,更需要有合理的饮食习惯。) Dear Chen Zhang, Sandwiches are my favourite food. They are delicious and healthy. I don’t like chicken, but fish is OK. It’s fresh and healthy for me. I like vegetables, but not green beans. Tomato soup is my favourite drink. Today is my birthday, can I have som ... ...

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