
Unit 5 Visiting the Moon. 第一课时 Reading(课件+教案+练习)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:79次 大小:7069310Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 牛津深圳版英语七年级上册Unit5 Visiting the Moon教学设计 课题 Visiting the Moon 单元 Unit 5 学科 英语 年级 七年级 学习目标 知识目标:掌握重点词汇:spacesuit,spaceship,kilometre, gravity, travel,breathe掌握重点短语:one of the..., travel into, float around, work up能力目标: 学生能够掌握和运用单词和词汇。 理解和掌握将来时will be..../ be going to 情感目标: 通过本堂课的学习,学生们能够了解月球以及月球和地球的区别。 重点 句型will be/ be going to的运用。 难点 句will be/ be going to 的运用。 教学过程 教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 导入新课 Lead in Show the picture about the universe and moon then answer the question. 学生观看视频,然后回答问题。 引起学生们的兴趣,让学生进入课堂。 讲授新课 New words spacesuit, spaceship, kilometre, gravity, breathe, travelLead-in Before reading, let us look at the picture at P57. There are some easy questions. 1. what are they talk about 2.Where are they the moon or the earth 3.According to the Lo, how far between the earth and the moon. Look at the photo on the book and the title of the passage on the Page59. then answer the questions.Where is Jerry going To a moon B. To a starHow will Jerry travel A, by spaceship. B. By planeHow may Jerry feel about the trip (There can be more than an answer)Happy B.Excited C.Nervous D.WorriedPre-readingA trip to spaceby Jerry10 October 2053I'm so happy ! Tomorrow I'll be one of the first students to travel into space. The spaceship will leave the Earth at 9 a.m. It'll take us to the moon. I can't wait!The moon is around 380000 kilometres from the Earth, so it'ii take us about four days to get there . There's no gravity in space, so we'll all be able to float around in the spaceship. We'll have to tie ourselves to our bodies may get weak, so we'll have to do exercises every day.When we arrive. I'm going to walk on the Moon. I'll have to wear a spacesuit to help me breathe because there's no air on the Moon. I'm going to take as many photos as I can, that is, if my camera still works up there...While-readingVocabulary1.The words and phrase in italics are from the diary on the page59, Circle the answer to complete these sentences.If you leave a place, you____ it.go to B. go away fromIf you have to do something, you_____ do it.can B. must If you tie something, you_____.A.hold two or more things together with a ropeB.make somethings into a rope4. When you breathe, you_____. A. Keep yourself warm B. Take air into and send it out of your body2.Complete the conversations with the words and phrase from the box.4.Dora: Can you help me _____ the rope to the chair Bill:Certainly.5.Tony: Will you be_____ come to my party tomorrow Paul:Sorry, I’m busy.ComprehensionRead Jerry’s dairy on page 59 and answer the questions below in complete sentence.When is Jerry going to travel into space _____Why will Jerry be able to float around in space _____What will Jerry wear on the Moon _____Read Jerry’s dairy and the sentence below. Circle T(True) of F(False). Find facts in ... ...

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