
Unit 2 Colours A Let’s learn 课件+素材 21张PPT

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:21次 大小:19400356Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    U2 Colours P15 Let’s sing P20 Mr Jones is their art teacher(美术老师). (你帮Mr Jones介绍一下他们吧) This is Lucy. Lucy has many(许多) new crayons. Look at the bus(公交车). It’s _____. Find and say. 找出你身边yellow的东西,并说一说。 It’s _____. Look at the flower(花). It’s _____. Find and say. 找出你身边red的东西,并说一说。 It’s _____. Look at the dog(狗). It’s _____. Listen, do and say It’s yellow. It’s red. Look at the tree(树). It’s _____. Show me green. Let’s do P15 Pair work A: Show me _____. B: It’s _____. yellow red green blue Look at the rainbow(彩虹). It’s _____. colourful 五颜六色的 What colour do you see? colour 颜色 see 看见 I see green. I see ____. I see green. Haha…!

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